Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

I can't believe that just happened. Louis just said he was a fan of mine. I never would have thought. When he had driven off I had been thinking of what had just happened.

I drove back home thinking about the conversation we had shared. He had talked about his life as a fan. And how he's going to be there at vidcon in a few months.

When I got home, I remembered I had to make a video to post in 2 days. I usually post on Mondays and Fridays and it's currently Wednesday. It takes a lot to actually make the video and edit it and do all that stuff.

I open the door to the house and make my way to the kitchen. I just realized how lonely it here. Yeah, I get a few visitors but it's lonely here. I should get a dog or a cat or something. It would be nice to care for an animal.

I take the things I had bought for the kitchen. I start putting the things away and sit down on the couch to think about things I could do for a video. Then I got it. I would read them fanfiction! I'm pretty sure my reaction to a story about me would be funny to them.

I start looking for websites that had fanfiction about me and I'm suddenly sent to a website called Wattpad. It had hundreds and hundreds of them all made by fans.

I found one that seemed pretty interesting. It was called "YouTube." It was about me being internet famous and falling in love with this guy Luis. I read a few chapters and I finally got to a good part. But it was a little dirty. Eh. I'll just say it in the title.

I get my camera and my lights and set it up in my room. I turn on the camera and start talking. "Hello, Lovelies. Welcome to another video with me Harry Edward Styles. Today I was thinking about reading some fan fiction. So the story I am reading from today is from a website called Wattpad. I don't know if you've heard of it but it seems legit. Lots of people seem to have it. So for this story, I had to make an account but I don't know if I'll keep it. But either way, go follow it. My username is Hazzaloveskittens124." I said putting my hand gesturing to nothing. I'll type the username when I edit.

"I had to make it hazzaloveskittens124 because hazzaloveskittens123 was taken. My god." I said rolling my eyes. "Ok let's start. I'll start at chapter 8 because I heard it's really good. The story is from Luis's point of view. He's short and has blue eyes. Feathery hair and curvy. That's what I got in one of the other chapters. Soo. Aha. Here it is. *cough cough* Harry walks into the room looking hotter than ever. He has those skinny jeans that hug his arse perfectly, a white v-neck, and his signature boots on. He looks around the room and his eyes fall on me. He walks through the crowd of people until he's standing right in front of me. So I'm guessing that they're in a club or something? Ok back to the story. He gets closer to me and then whispers something into my ear. "You want to get out of here?" He said in a husky voice that makes me want to slam him against a wall and do things to him. Oh My God! I can't do this. What am I doing with my life? Ok. Harry breathe. This is just fanfiction. It's only weird if you make it weird. Ok back to the story." I could feel myself turn into a tomato. I am now a tomato.

I pick up my water bottle and drink out of it. Then put it back down and continue reading. "Sure. Where do you want to go?" I said as he takes my hand and drags me through the bodies of people grinding on each other. Ok, it's definitely a club. We go outside and I feel like I can breathe. It was so stuffy in there. Harry walks me to a big black car and he unlocks the door. This sentence right here makes me sound like I'm about to kill him. I hope I don't kill this guy. He climbs into the back seat and pulls me on top of him. When his back hits the seat he attaches his lips to mine. I straddle his waist for us to be more comfortable in the little space we have. I'm going to hell if I read the rest of this chapter. They're basically undressing themselves and... you know what happens next. Well, that was "YouTube". Not sure how I and this Luis guy got from falling in love to fucking in the back seat. But I did only read the first few chapters. Shout out to the author who is Luisisnotmyname. Go and check out his book. I hoped you liked me getting all embarrassed. Comment below if you want me to do this again or not. Well, that's it for today. Make sure to hit the thumbs up button. I'll see you all Monday. Bye!" I said giving a kiss and a wave. I turn the camera off and put it back in its place. I take the chip out and put it into the camera to start the long day of editing.


The next day I arrive at school and see that Liam is at my locker waiting for me.

"Good morning," I said putting the combination in and opening the locker.

"Morning Marcy." He said yawning.

"You tired?" I said chuckling.

He simply nodded. I grabbed the things I needed and we walked to our first classes. We both had History. I think history would be my favorite class if there was no film class.

When we arrived the late bell had rung. The teacher nodded and we made our way to open seats. Unfortunately, there wasn't any next to each other so Liam had to sit next to some girl with blue hair and I had to sit next to Luke. After Louis, he's the one who bullies me the most.

"Good morning Marcy! How are you on this beautiful morning?" He said in a mock happy voice.

"I'm doing well," I said wincing and then sitting down.

Before he can say anything else, the teacher yells at us to pay attention. He stays quiet for the rest of the class but when the bell rings he pushes me into the lockers and calls me a fag. I hate that word.

The day passes by quicker than I thought it would. I still have to post that video. I can't wait to see if they like it or not.

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