Chapter 11

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Vidcon is in a week and I'm kind of nervous. Yes, I have been invited to Vidcon for a long time but Louis wasn't there those other times. Is it stupid that I'm nervous about him being there? I've been in front of crowds of people either on stage at a fashion show or at a meet and greet with loads of fans. But being nervous for one guy is kind of overreacting. Right?

Why do I feel this way?!

Louis has such an effect on me. I don't even think it's healthy. Him being my bully, you would think that I would despise him but as hard as I try I can't seem to kick him out of my mind. He's just so bloody attractive! Is it even legal to be that hot? But he hates me. Or he hates Marcel. But he likes Harry.

Which kind of got me thinking. What would happen if I did ask him out as myself? I would have to tell him that I'm Marcel and Harry and he would hate me. Leaving me heartbroken.

Which is why I have to put my feelings aside and never look at Louis again...

Ha! That was a funny joke. Good one Styles.

Back to Vidcon. I have a booth and all I'll be doing is taking pictures with fans and signing some of the things they want me to sign. It's a great opportunity to connect with the fans and I can't wait to be there.

They haven't given their location yet but I heard that it's in America. I've only been there a few times for shows and meet and greets that fans requested so many times.

They're giving out the location today at 4. This is good because I'm currently in school and I don't want to be stuck here while everybody knows where it is.

Louis is coming over to start filming the video. We have a month to finish it so we might as well get it done early. We're not finishing it today but we are filming a chunk of it. Hopefully, he'll leave before the information comes out. I don't want to freak him out more by freaking out about the location.

The bell rings which means that It's lunchtime. I gather my things and walk out of the classroom. I make my way to my locker and grab the things I need for the next period. Only three more classes to go to...


The last bell rings and I walk out of the classroom. When I walk up to my locker I see that Louis was waiting for me. He looked pretty hot with his skinny jeans and nirvana t-shirt.

He noticed me and moved away from my locker. "You mind if I ride with you? My car got taken away by my parents." He asked.

"Sure. Umm, how long are you staying?" I asked opening the locker and putting a few books in my backpack.

"Depends on how good you are in front of the camera. It could take 5 minutes, it could take two hours. You never know." He said as I close the locker door. We walk out through the main door and we made our way to my old car.

I unlock the doors and we both climb into the front seats. I start the engine and drive out of the parking lot and make my way to the house. Halfway there I remember that I didn't remind Zayn that Louis was coming over. Why does this always happen?!

I quickly turn my car to the right into the gas station. Louis held onto the handle as if his life depended on it.

"Why'd you turn so fast?! You could've killed me." He said overdramatically, putting a hand over his heart.

"I need some gas," I said, and thankfully my tank was running a little low so I do need a refill.

"You could have told me that before turning a sharp right. I thought I was gonna die."

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