Chapter 12

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I opened the door to the house and Louis followed behind me. I take the food to the bedroom and knock the door as quietly as possible. Zayn opens it while rubbing his eyes and yawning. I went passed him and grabbed some things I might need for the first part of the video.

"Oh, sorry! Here's your food. Lock the door. Promise it won't take long." I said shoving the food in his hands and leaving.

I run down the stairs and see that Louis was waiting in the living room.

"I really hope you're not feeding the cat burgers. I'm pretty sure that would kill it." He said. I chuckled and sat down next to him on the couch.

"So I don't have a camera. But we can do it on my phone. I don't mind." He said pulling out his phone.

"Don't worry. I have one." I said getting up once again and grabbing my camera from my filming room. (Yes I have a separate room where I film my videos.)

When I come back downstairs I look at the clock and see that it's 3:30. Did we really take an hour and a half to eat?

"Ok. So the first scene is in the bathroom." He said. I nodded and led him to the bathroom upstairs.

"So what you'll do is just do your morning routine." He's said taking the camera out of my hands. I told him that I usually showered but I could just turn the water on and hum next to the speaker.

Then I took off my sweater vest and grabbed another one that I had on the counter where the sinks are.

I take the shirt I had on and unbuttoned a few, being careful not to show any tattoos. Louis pressed record again and started buttoning them again. I take my comb and comb my gelled hair back. I didn't want to wash the gel out since he'll see the curly hair.

Then I started brushing my teeth but only did it for 10 seconds.

We walked out of the bathroom, Louis still recording, and go down to the kitchen. I put a pan out and pretend to cook. I'll just edit out the parts that look that I'm not really doing what I'm doing. I put a piece of toast in the toaster and wait for it to finish.

Just to make a point I sit down and take a bite out of the toast. I chew and put the toast down and put the plate in the sink. I walk into the living room and grab my backpack then walk out of the house and close the door behind me.

It kind of looked like one of my videos.

Though it was short, with the introduction it would take a few minutes when it's all put together.

When I look at the clock on the wall, I see that it's 4:05. The location should be out by now!

Louis looks to where I'm looking and his eyes bulge out of his eyes. He must want to know where Vidcon is too. I think he mentioned he would be going.

"It's already 4!" He yelled and ran to the coffee table in the living room where his phone was.

He turned on the phone and went online to the Vidcon website. Right, when the page loaded the location to the U.S.A Vidcon came up. It was California! I've visited many times and it is truly beautiful.

"It's in California! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my-" he yelled out but stopped when he realized he had basically had a fan-girl moment in front of his victim. "You didn't see anything. Got it fag?" He said in a dangerous tone. Far from what he sounded like seconds ago.

I nodded fast. He put his phone away and went to sit down on the couch. I'm not sure but it kind of looked like he sighed? Like maybe he was about to apologize.

"Look, Marcel. I really don't know why I bully you. I have no clue actually. But I do want to stop. So, I'm really sorry for everything I've done to you in the past year. I fully understand if you never want to talk to me But you should know that I really am sorry for doing all that stupid shit to you." He said putting his head in his hands, sighing.

"Does this mean you'll stop hitting me?" I asked.

"This means we can't even look at each other in school. People will wonder why I let you walk."

"Well, I forgive you," I said.

He looked at me with shock written all over it. "But- but don't you hate me? I would hate me if I were me." He scoffed.

I just shrugged and sat down on the couch across from him.

"What were you so excited about anyway?" I asked like I had no idea what he was fanboying about.

Before he answered the question he was contemplating whether he should tell me or not. "Vidcon. It's in California. Los Angeles to be exact." He said.

"That's cool. Are you going?" I asked.

"If I convince my mom to let me go to a different country for 2 weeks. I know that it only lasts like a week but I really want to stay longer."

I was going to say something to keep the conversation about Vidcon going but my phone started ringing.

"Umm. Give me a sec," I said walking into the kitchen and answering the phone. Of course, it was Zayn because I knew he'd complain about wanting to get out of the room.

"Harold! I'm dying up here. No one should ever be forced to be bored against their will." He whined.

"Z. If your that bored jump out the window. Play patty cake with pumpkin. Go on any of the hundreds of apps on your phone." I said leaning against the kitchen wall.

"Harry, why would you tell me to jump out the window? I could break my arm. Or my leg. Or maybe, I don't know, my body."

"Oh shut up. You overreact too much. You'll be fine up there." I said and hung up before he could say something else.

I walked into the living room where Louis was sitting. He was playing with his fingers as if waiting for his punishment from his parents.

Once he realized I walked in he asked, "Umm. Was that your... boyfriend?" He asked blushing. Was Louis really blushing? I never would have thought.

"No. We kind of broke up a few days ago." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know why?" He asked going back down to his hands after.

"He thought I cheated on him with one of my friends. I came over and saw us sleeping in the same bed and assumed we slept together." I said.

"Were you guys... fully dressed?" He asked.

"...not really."

"I think that was the problem." He said and I rolled my eyes.


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