Chapter 9

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Oh my god. Elliot thought I slept with Zayn? And how could I forget that I had a date? Does that even happen? Damn, I'm such an idiot.

But to be honest I wasn't really into Elliot. He's sweet and definitely good in bed but I just didn't feel like him and I were gonna last long. Either way, I can't text him back or call him because he blocked me.

It's currently 7 now. I don't have anything to do so I just put some sweatpants on and go down to the living room and watch some television. Half an hour later Zayn walks into the living room and lays down next to me. He puts his head on my lap and I comb my hand through his hair.

See that's the thing. Zayn will cut you if you touch his hair but he seems to love it when I do it. I guess it's just our friendship bond.


The next morning I woke up on the couch with Zayn on my lap. My neck was killing me because of the angle I was at. I grab my phone, careful not to wake Zayn, and check the time. It's 12! School started four hours ago. There's no point in going. It ends at 3 and the last two classes are extra anyway.

Zayn starts to grumble on my lap. I put my phone in my pocket, don't ask me how, got up and carry Zayn to my bedroom. I lay him down and follow right behind him. He must be really tired since he's been sleeping since 7 yesterday. Though he was on a plane for a long time.

We fell asleep for a few more hours and I woke up because there was a loud knock coming from downstairs. I get up, careful not to disturb Zayn, and go downstairs. Then I remembered that it could be someone from school since it was probably 3, so I run back upstairs and put on a long-sleeved shirt. I grabbed my glasses, run some gel through my hair, and run back downstairs. I open the door and behind it is Louis. What is he doing here?

"You seem confused. I called you and sent a message. Seems like you didn't see either of them." He said walking around me and making his way to the living room.

"I don't think this is a good time. I have some things to do." As if he stays Zayn might wake up and Louis will know who he is because I hang out with him all the time. Plus he's a model and he's been in my videos.

"Like what? Liams away at his grandparents and you don't seem to be the one that has many friends. Or are you hanging out with your little boyfriend? Is he picking you up?"

"No. But... I-I."

"Do you not want to hang out with me Marcy? Trying to come up with an excuse? Well, that's too bad. We have 2 months to finish this project and I'm not failing just because you don't want to do this with me. So let's get to thinking about what we're going to talk about."

I was speechless. I didn't think that he would actually care about his grades. But he's actually serious.

He sits down on my couch and he starts unpacking what we need. Last time he said I should talk about my life as a nerd. I think that's a good idea but I think it would come out too short. What is a nerd anyway? A person who dresses formally and cares about what they get on an assignment?

We discuss more on "life as a nerd." That's what we called it.

"Are you hungry?" What am I doing?

"I could eat." This is bad. What if Zayn wakes up? He's probably waking up right now.

We walk to the kitchen and he sits on the counter. I grab the loaf of bread, the ham, and the cheese and start making two sandwiches. I finish and we start eating them.

Right when I'm halfway done I hear footsteps upstairs and I'm 95% sure Louis heard it too.

"What was-" Louis was saying but I was too busy running up the stairs. Right, when I'm in front of my door Zayn was opening it. I tackled him back inside and shut the door behind me.

"What the fu-"

"Look. I have someone downstairs and they don't know I'm me. Do you remember Marcel? Well, for now, I'm him. And you can't come down because he's a fan of Harry. You've been in my videos and he'll be curious as to why I have a supermodel in my house. So please stay in here while I try to kick him out. I'll bring you food in a bit." I whisper trying not to be so loud. He nods and I walk out of the bedroom.

When I get to the kitchen Louis was still on the counter. He had finished his sandwich and was swinging his legs back and forth. It was kind of ador- not adorable. I meant not adorable. He's my bully. He's not adorable to me.

"Sorry. That was"

"Your cat? Have you been feeding it 20 times a day?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Anyway. We should get back to work. So I think we should start how the video is going to go. Like what are we putting at the beginning, middle, and end."

"Um. I actually-"

"Save the excuse. We need to work." He walks back into the living room.

I quickly grab a bowl, some cocoa puffs, and the milk. I yell that I'll be right back and run to the bedroom again. I open the door as quietly as possible and hand Zayn everything before running back downstairs. Louis was waiting on the couch.

"Your weird."

After that, we took 10 minutes to plan how the video was going to go. I practically had to shove Louis out of my house after.

Zayn came down from the staircase when I closed the door.

"You guys took forever! I was suffocating in there. At least pumpkin stayed with me. He's a better friend than you anyway." He said sticking his tongue at me and falling dramatically onto the couch.

"Do you want to go to tour London again? Maybe catch a movie after?" I said laying down on top of him.

"Sure. I forgot all about London. I would get dressed but you're currently squashing me."

"Just wait a few minutes. I'm comfortable." I said hugging him some more.


I parked my car in front of the bakery I used to work in before I became famous and lock the doors. We walked inside and ordered some pastries, then we sit down at a booth. Zayn was talking about his trips to different countries and the modeling. This reminds me that I have a photoshoot with Zayn after school.

When we finish the dessert we walk back to my car and go around London. I show him some places he might've forgotten about and talk about some memories we had in others. We even ran into some fans and they asked for pictures.

After the little tour, we get back into my car and I drive over to the theater. I remember what happened when Liam and I came here the first time. I briefly told him that I was getting bullied in the past and he just reminded me that I'm Harry Styles. I am a rich famous YouTuber model. Not to sound cocky or anything.

When we entered the movie theater I paid for everything, including snacks and the tickets. Zayn always argues but I always end up doing what I do. He also says that he hates it when I buy him stuff. That he can pay himself and I know that. But can't a friend buy something for another friend once in a while?

Zayn and I walk into the room where the movie will be playing. The movie goes better than the last time. When it's done we throw away the empty popcorn box and the soda that was almost finished.

When we get back home, pumpkin immediately started jumping on our shoes. She really did miss us. Zayn picked her up and carried her upstairs. She's too small to go up by herself since she's too small.

I walked to my bedroom where Zayn was already passed out. He had taken off his shirt and had changed into some sweatpants. I do the same and soon fall asleep with pumpkin and Zayn at my sides.

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