Chapter 14

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During the past week, Louis and I have been working on the video. We're halfway through when the time to go to America comes. Louis hasn't really been bullying me since the talk we had. I guess he really is sorry.

It's currently the day before we leave for America and I'm in my English class. It looks really bad outside since all you could see is the rain coming down from the sky. The principal told me to meet with him before I leave. 10 minutes before the class ends, the teacher gets a call. When she hangs up, she tells me that I needed to go to the office. I gather my things and make my way to the main office. When I walk in, the first thing I see is the young Secretary. I'm pretty sure she wants to get with me but she's not really my type. She's not Lou- she's now looking at me. That's what I meant to say. She tells me to walk right in while she leans forward making her chest pop out. I ignore her and walk into the principal's office. He tells me to sit down and I do as I'm told.

"So today is your last day here for a couple of weeks. Because you're leaving for two weeks we need to give you some assignments you're going to miss while you're gone." He said as a took out a sheet of paper from a folder.

"Huh. This is all I have to do while I'm gone? You guys are slacking." I chuckled. He shook his head as if he knew something I didn't. When he passed me the paper I read what was on it. It had a website on it. I guess I have to keep track of the assignments online.

A few minutes later the bell rang which means I could go home. I opened the door to his office and walked out. I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. But Carrie, the Secretary, had other plans.

"Marcel, wait!" She yelled.


"Do you have a car?" She said putting her things in her purse.

"I do," I said and got kind of nervous. Was she going to ask me to give her a ride? Can she even do that?!

"Well, I was wondering if you could give me a ride back to my place. Its pouring outside and my car wouldn't start this morning. But only if you want to! Don't feel obligated to-" she was rambling so I just said ok. She stopped mid-sentence and gave me a nice smile. I just hope she doesn't try anything.

We walk back to my car and get in.  She puts her purse on her lap and I start the engine to the car. I leave the parking lot and drive onto the streets.

"So. Um. Where am I supposed to go?" I ask looking at her as we pulled out of the school's driveway. She took her hair out of the bun it was in, revealing her long brown hair.

"Go straight until you see Ruby's. Then turn left. Then go straight again and then I'll tell you which house to drop me off at." She says. A few minutes later we pass Ruby's and driving forward. "Ok. That's the one. The blue house right there." She says pointing to what I'm guessing is her house.

I stop right in front of her house.

"Thanks for the ride, Marcel." She said putting a nicely manicured hand on my inner thigh and squeezing a little bit. Ugh. Why is she doing this? Isn't this illegal?

"Uh. Your welcome." I said. I was about to unlock the door but she had other plans. She grabbed the side of my face and crashed her lips onto mine. The lip gloss on her lips made it sloppy and all I could do was sit there in shock. The secretary was kissing me and she didn't even notice I wasn't moving. 

She pulled back after a couple of seconds and looked at the shock on my face. She frowned.

"Um. I should get going." She said looking embarrassed. She got out of the car and walked away. I kind of feel bad for her. She's probably thinking that kissing me wasn't such a good idea. But I can't do anything now. I'm leaving for America tomorrow.


The next day

Zayn and I were boarding the plane now. We left the house a few hours before since the ride takes a long time. We sat in our seats and wait for the plane to take flight.

Some people were still boarding the plane. Then I saw him. Louis was getting on this plane!

He was getting closer and closer and I'm pretty sure he noticed me.

"Harry?! What are you doing here?" He squealed.

"Hey, Louis. I'm heading to America for Vidcon. And I'm guessing you're doing the same?" I said.

"Yeah. I'm actually having trouble finding a seat." He said looking around.

"Why don't you sit with us," I say looking at Zayn and back at Louis.

"Are you sure? I don't want to both-"

"Louis I swear if you say bother I'm going to kick you off of the plane. Now sit down!" I said chuckling.

He sits down smiling and a few minutes later the pilot talks through the speakers on safety things and all that. Soon we're high up in the sky.

"I'm so excited about Vidcon! I can't wait to meet my favorite YouTubers." He said looking bubbly.

"I can't wait to see my friends. Its been a while since I've been to America."

Just as I finished talking, one of the flight attendants came up to us and asked if we wanted anything to drink.

"Can I have a glass of wine? I'm in the mood for one." Zayn said from beside me.

"I'll have one too," Louis said after Zayn.

"I'll have one as well," I said giving her one of my signature smiles. She blushes then leaves to get the wine.

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