Chapter 10

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I walk into the school hallways and meet Liam at my locker like every other day. I grab my things while Liam talks about the girl he likes. Then we go to our classes and it just seems like a normal day. Luke hasn't talked to me which is a bonus but a few other people from the football team "bumped" into me. But it wasn't that bad.

It wasn't until I was 3 classes away from going home that I got a text from somebody, probably Paul. Before I could even look at my phone the teacher, Ms Harper, stopped what she was doing and silenced the class.

"Who was that? I have said hundreds of times not to take your phone to class." She said. "Now whoever has the phone, bring it up and tell us what is more important than my class."

Nobody said anything. And I was just hoping and praying that this person didn't text me again. But of course they had to text me again. My phone went off again and everyone's head came looking in my direction. Not directly at me but in my area.

"You have one more chance. Come up and tell us what is more important and you won't have to come back after school for the rest of the week. But if you don't, you'll have to come back."

A few seconds go by and nobody moves a muscle. But of course, Paul being impatient and all, he sends a message again and now everyone knows it's me. I see shocked faces everywhere. I guess nobody expected the nerd who cares too much about his grades to be caught texting in class.

Ms. Harper looked shocked as well, and I'm kind of regretting not telling any of the teachers that I'm Harry because that information would be nice right now.

"Marcel. Would have never thought that you would be texting in my class. Now come here and tell us who's messaging you." She said.

I slowly make my way to the front of the class and look at Ms Harper with a pleading face. She didn't budge so I take my phone out. I had seen that it was a text message from Paul.

"Umm. Its a text from my... mom! She said have a nice day." Everyone laughs at my lie and I quickly put my phone in my pocket and attempt to go back to my seat. But if course Ms Harper won't have it. She grabs my arm and tells me to read the real message. I take my phone out again and say," it's from my friend Zack. He says that he's excited to see me later." I said reading Zayn's text from a few days ago.

"The geek has friends? What a shocker." Someone said from the back of the room.

"All of the messages Marcel. I heard at least 3."

"They are from... m-"

"Marcel Cox to the main office for dismissal. Marcel Cox for dismissal." The speaker said loudly.

"Oh. That's me. Better get going." I said and quickly gathered my things. Ms Harper tried to keep me from leaving but I left anyway.

I grab my stuff from my locker and make my way to the main office where one of my bodyguards, Ryan, were waiting. He didn't really look like a body guard but that's because he probably doesn't want to scare the secretary. We make our way to his car. I'll take my car back when I finish the photo shoot.

I forgot all about my photo shoot today. Paul told me a few days ago that I would have a photo shoot with Zayn once he comes back but it completely flew out of my mind.

Once I got back home I quickly jumped into the shower to wash the gel away. When I was done showering, I changed into a white t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and some sweatpants since they have my clothes already prepared for me to put on over there. I make my way downstairs and grab my phone and my keys then walk out of the house.

I hop into the front seat next to Ryan. When we get to the studio I walk inside. I walk into the room where Zayn and Paul were waiting. I guess Zayn came by himself.

"Finally! Now I need you two to get changed into these." He said handing us two leather jackets and black skinny jeans. We walk to the dressing rooms and change into the clothes. When we walked back into the studio, everyone was gone and Ryan was waiting.

"They're outside. Lets go." He said and led us outside. Everyone was standing in front of 2 motorcycles.

Right after everyone acknowledged us, Elliot walked through the group of people. He was holding a camera. I'm guessing he's our photographer. How did I not know about this?

"Ok guys. So you can make your way to the motorcycles. This is for some magazine who sells stuff for bikers and we're modeling the Jacket and some other products." Pual said gesturing to the bikes. We walk over and that's when the photographer usually tells us to do something. Elliot comes out from behind the group of people.

"...ok. Can you guys put one foot on the peg. Yeah, like that. And then put your hands in your pocket and look down. Perfect." He said snapping a few pictures. He went behind us and to the side. When he was done we had to change again but we didn't have to go back inside since it was just a shirt and a new jacket. We change into a blue and red flannel that was cut to the shoulder. Then they handed us a bandana which I wrapped around my head. Zayn did the same.

When we were done changing we walked back to the motorcycles and waited for Elliot to set up his camera.

"Ok for this one you will get on top of the cycle. Grab onto the handles and look at the camera. Give me a serious face." He said taking a few pictures. "Now smile for me."

After that, we changed into a denim jacket. We were handed new bandanas and we did the same thing to them.

After an hour of changing and posing we we're finally done. Zayn and I walked back into the studio and changed back into the clothes we brought.

In the parking lot I remembered that I was driven here by Ryan, so I asked Zayn to drive me back to school so I can grab my car. Thank goodness I brought the car keys.

"You have the keys to the house?" I asked Zayn once we got to the schools parking lot.

"Yeah. You gonna be ok driving back?"

"Yeah. Go ahead back. I'll see you there." I said. I opened the car door and closed it behind me. Zayn drove off as I pull my hoodie up and walk over to Marcels car. Thankfully it's hours after school ended and nobody is here at this time. But I don't want to take my time and wait for someone to see me take Marcels car.

I climb into the car and drive out of the parking lot. While I was on the way back to the house, I passed by the new restaurant that opened a few weeks ago, Ruby's. It looked like something from the 60's. I wonder if their food is good. But I don't want to go now since I have my other car and people from school might see it.

When I get home I was attacked by pumpkin. I haven't really seen her today and I probably missed her as much as she missed me. She was all alone today.

I heard pots and pans fall in the kitchen. I'm guessing that's where Zayn is. I run over to the kitchen to make sure he was okay. He was on the floor covered in lots of pots and pans.

"Umm. I was hungry?"

A/N Sorry I haven't done anything in a while. I'll try my best to update another chapter this week.

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