Chapter 17

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Louis P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm clock and that would usually mean that I'm gonna be late for school but this one was way more special and I got up as quickly as I could.

Today is the day Vidcon opens and words can't describe how happy I am to meet all of the people I look up to. Especially Harry. I can't wait to see him again. I know I saw him before he dropped me off at my aunt's house but, god, he's so damn attractive. He could literally kidnap me and I'd be completely fine with it. I'd actually be mad if someone saved me. That's how much I love him. 

It's not even about him being one of the top models or a famous Youtuber. His personality is so unique and he's so nice. He cares about every one of his fans and I'm so glad I was born in the same generation as him.

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom that was across the hall from the room I was staying in. My aunt had been nice enough to let me crash for the next two weeks and I really appreciate her. When I get to the bathroom, the door was locked. Probably one of her sons. It felt like ages before the oldest of her three sons came out. He kind of gave me a dirty look but I think it's because I kind of stole his room and will be using it for the next week or so. I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to shower.

Once I was done, I put on the blue jeans that looked really good on me, If I do say so myself. I put on a shirt that said Vidcon on it which I got last year. I got it online but ended up not going because my mom got sick and she needed me to care for her. But I'm not letting anything get in between me and going to meet some of my favorite people. 

•     •     •

I just arrived at the building they were holding Vidcon in. It was enormous. So many people were waiting in line to get inside and the line could go on for days. How was I supposed to get inside at this rate?

All of a sudden, a black car drove up behind me. Everybody looked towards the car and I just turned around. The back seat opened and out stepped Harry Freaking Styles. We were literally faced to face once again.

"Oh hey, Louis. I'm glad you made it. It'll definitely be a pleasure to see you." He said in his sexy ass voice.

"Hi, Harry! I'm glad to see you too." I said.

"Wait. Have you not gotten in line yet? It'll take you forever to get inside now. Why don't you come with me." He said. He walked past all the crazy fans that have realized that he just got here and once it got to a really big crowd, Zayn grabbed Harry's hand and Harry grabbed mine just to make sure we didn't get separated.

Nobody knew that I was probably going to explode from the inside at any moment. Harry's hands were so big compared to mine. But it felt so right to have our hands conjoined. I could practically feel everybody's eyes on our hands. Especially me. I guess they were confused as to why Harry Styles was holding hands with a complete stranger. And I'm kind of asking that to myself. He doesn't even know me. I was rude the first time I met him and now he's holding my hand? I'm a little confused myself.

•     •     •

I'm going to die. I am going to die. I'm literally going to pass out and die.

You don't know the feeling of seeing all of your favorite YouTubers before the doors even open. And I'm having a really hard time trying not to burst out in tears. Harry still had his hands in mine and I'm literally screaming internally. I really don't understand how he even wants to be close to me. I harassed Liam in front of him and now he's inviting me inside of Vidcon before the doors open. It just won't go through my head. I could literally cry right now.

Ok. I'm done.

It was probably 20 minutes before the door opened and all of the stars were in a little circle talking. I didn't want to go and intrude in a meeting. I, sadly, let go of Harry's hand and he looks back at me a little confused. I look towards the crowd of people and he kind of gets the message. He grabs my hand again and walks over to the group of people, dragging me a little.

"Hello! This is my good friend Louis Tomlinson. Is it ok to be here with all you lovely people?" He asked everybody. I could practically feel my cheeks start to burn.

"Oh my gosh!! He's so freaking cute!" Zoella shouts from across us. She walks quickly towards us and gives me a really tight hug. I need help cause she's practically suffocating me.

"That's enough Zo. I don't want you breaking him just yet." Harry said chuckling, patting her on her back, and with that, she let's go. I take a huge breath in and they all laugh at my reaction.

"Ok. So as I was saying..." Joey Graceffa said continuing on with his conversation before we arrived after he had calmed down from all the laughing.

Harry squeezes my hand and I almost forgot that he was still holding onto It. It still felt amazing.

•     •     •

The doors were about to open and I was a little scared. I don't know how people do this. I feel like I'm about to get trampled. Two security guards made their way to the door to unlock it. Behind the transparent doors, was a long line of screaming fans just waiting for the doors to open.

The security guards unlocked the door and everyone who was outside was now inside in a matter of minutes.  It was like being trampled by a herd of horses.

Harry had told me that he had to go get ready at his booth and I understood. He has other fans other than me and he couldn't just focus on me. But damn, those few minutes with him were magical. Looking at him face to face was way better than looking at him through a screen or writing a dirty story about him online.

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