Chapter 15

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America. We were finally here. The plane landed meaning I had to wake up Zayn and Louis who had both fallen asleep on my shoulders. I woke Zayn up first because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't scream in my ear knowing we landed in America. And when I woke Louis up that's exactly what he did.

"Oh my god. We're actually in America. This is amazing!" He said fangirling. He looks really cute when he talks about something so excitedly.

"Hey, Louis? How are you getting to your hotel?" I asked hoping he'd need a ride.

"Um, I'm staying with an aunt that lives close to a Fancy hotel. And I was going to catch a taxi cab." He said going on his tippy toes to grab his suitcase.

It looked adorable.


He doesn't look adorable. He used to bully me. I shouldn't think that he looks adorable.

"Maybe you could ride with us. We are staying in a nice hotel. Maybe it's the one you described." I suggested. He finally got his suits case down and thought about riding with us.

"Sure!" He said giving me his award-winning smile. I grabbed both mine and Zayn's suitcase since we didn't want to pack too much since we're only here for a week.


We finally got off the plane and we decided to get some actual food. We found a few restaurants close to the exits and we parted ways to get the things we wanted. Zayn wanted a burger and I was in the mood for one too so I followed him to McDonald's. Louis had wandered off somewhere but I told where to meet up again so I guess he was fine.

We waited in line for a few minutes and then ordered what we wanted. Then we went to sit down in a booth where Louis would meet us at. He wasn't there yet so I guess he's still in a line or something.

A few minutes later Louis joined us and we dug into the food. We only ate snacks and it didn't fill us up at all. But the fast-food will suffice until we get to the hotel.

When we were done, we picked up our garbage, and soon we were on our way. I saw a man with a sign with my last name on it. He must be the chauffeur.

"Aha! You must be Mr. Styles. Right, this way." He said then walked off. We followed quietly. He led us to a nice black limo. Louis was in awe. He had no idea we were driving in a limo.

"You've never been in one?" I asked.

"Nope. Though I was going to rent one for prom." He said.

The man opened the door so we could climb in. He would take care of the luggage so we wouldn't have to worry about it. The inside was even nicer. I had a few bottles of Champagne. A few sweets and even a tv.

Zayn decided to lay down on one of the longer seats. I would too but Louis would be uncomfortable so I just decided to sit next to him.


We dropped Louis off at his sibling's house and we're currently checking in to the hotel. The man behind the counter looked like he was in his mid-twenties. The whole time we were checking in he was looking at me like a lion looks at his prey before attacking and it made me uncomfortable. I mean he was a little attractive but the way he was looking at me took the attractiveness away.

Once we were done, we quickly walked away and made our way to the elevators. The hotel was gorgeous. It looked like something out of a movie. I owe it all to Zayn though. He stayed there a few months back when he was here for some fashion thing. He gave me a five-star rating on it.

The elevator finally got onto our floor. We got in and we waited for it to land on our floor. We were staying in a pretty big suite and I hope it's as good as Zayn said it would be.

When we walked into the place, my mouth dropped open because the place was so huge. There was a huge window and everything was so white and clean. It was absolutely beautiful.

"First to get to a room keeps it!" Zayn yelling before sprinting towards the rooms. I was a little shocked but ran after him. When I got to where he was, he was looking inside a room. The room was painted sky blue and it had an amazing view of the city. "Mine." He said walking inside and putting his stuff down.

That was definitely not fair. He only got here first because he started running before me. I would've definitely gotten this room if it wasn't for him.

I huffed and walked away with my things and walked through the suite to find the other bedroom. But when I got there, I was so glad Zayn chose that one because this one was so much better. The walls were painted a nice purple color and the bed even looked soft. The view was what shocked me the most. I could basically see everything from up here.

Thank you, Zayn for picking the first bedroom you saw.


After we got everything settled in, and after Zayn started complaining about the bedroom choices he made, we had to go set up the table at vidcon for Vidcon tomorrow. Once we got there, there were a bunch of people already getting in line to get in. They were setting up tents and everything. I guess we have to get in through the back.

When we get inside, I see a bunch of YouTubers setting up their tables. While I was passing by, I said hi to a bunch of them, like Joey Graceffa, and Dan and Phil. They looked really nice and welcoming. Zayn practically had to drag me away because I really wanted to go say hi to all of my favorite YouTubers.

The table we were assigned to was a little long and we had a backboard to but all of our decorations and stuff like that on. The first thing we did was put my name up. Zayn helped me put all the letters up and I helped him put his name up under mine since he's gonna be with me while we're doing all the meet and greets. Then we put up his name and added some decorations and then we were done! It looks so good and I'm really proud of it.

The rest of the day was pretty slow after setting up the table. We basically walked around town, met some fans, and took some pictures with them, and overall it was a fun day. Aside from the fact that it was really hot.

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