Chapter 16

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to a ringing in my head. Stupid alarm clock.

I take the covers off of me and put my bare feet on the cold floor. Why is it so cold in here? I walk over to my suitcase and take out some clothes that I could use for the day and walk to the bathroom that was attached to the room. I took off the clothes that I was already wearing and hopped into the shower. The warm water felt nice in my back.

Once I finished cleaning myself up, I got out and dried myself off. I put on the clothes I brought and walk out of the shower feeling fresh. My hair was dripping a little but it felt nice. I barely had time to do that because I'm either exhausted at the end of the day or I'm late for school and I have to put gel back into my hair.

I walked out of the room to see if Zayn was awake but when I saw that his door was still closed, I thought it is best not to disturb the sleeping beauty.

Today is the day before Vidcon starts. I'm actually pretty excited to do Vidcon this year because a lot of good Youtubers came. I plopped down onto the couch and turned on the telly. Nothing really good was on which meant I didn't really have anything to do today.

I had been thinking about vlogging this week since it is Vidcon and I doubt the fans would be angry about having a video for each day this week. So I went back into my room and take the Camara out of the suitcase specifically for my camera's and the other things I might need for a video. I turn on my Camara and start filming.

"Hello, Lovelies! I just woke up and as you can see, in not in my room. I am actually in America waiting anxiously for Vidcon to start. I'm currently in my hotel room and it's honestly so beautiful here. I understand why so many people live here." I said walking to the window and show them the amazing view. I don't really know if anybody will realize that I'm staying in this hotel but theirs pretty good security in the building. "I'm here with Zayn which is probably something you didn't know about. He came back home a few weeks ago and we kind of kept it on the low. I'm not really sure if he's awake right now, so let's make sure he's not dead!" I said walked out of my room and walked quietly to Zayn's room. "Oh! Before I walk into the monster's cave, I just wanted you all to know that I'll be vlogging my week here. I may post 5 or 6 times this week just because I feel so happy to be in America. Ok. Let's go."

I opened the door lightly and showed the Camara the room. It was already messy. He was lightly snoring with his arm hanging off of the bed. He looked so peaceful... I put my Camara in a place where everybody could see and got ready to wake him up.

"ZAYN! WAKE UP!" I yelled in his ear. I took one of his pillows and hit him with it and all he did was put his head under the pillow he was using. I was about to hit him again but he pulled me on to the bed but then, all of a sudden, I was pushed off the bed.

"Do that again and you'll be pushed out the window." He said putting his head in his pillow and falling asleep again.

I laughed out loud and walked over to the Camara. I walked out of the room before telling Zayn goodnight and getting flipped off as a result. I chuckled and walked into the main room.

"Well, that went well," I said and sitting down onto the couch. I turned off the Camara and decided that that was good for right now.

•       •      •

Zayn woke up an hour after I woke him up. I had to entertain myself somehow so I did a random following spree on Instagram and Twitter. After people found out what I was doing they basically freaked out and started posting on their accounts. I loved that everyone was happy when I did this stuff.

"I'm starving. Let's go eat something." Zayn said walking in and sat down, putting his legs on top of mine.

"Well I'm ready whenever you're ready," I said.

He got off of me and then I followed behind him outside the hotel rooms and into the elevator. Once we got to the lobby, we walked by the guy behind the counter from yesterday and winked at me before leaving the hotel. He seriously goes in too strong and that's what makes him a little unattractive.

We waited for the uber we had requested for about 10 minutes before it pulled up. We got in and told the man who was behind the wheel to go to a place called IHops. It was the first place that google gave me for "24-hour breakfast diners." Once we got to the place, we paid the man and got out of the car.

Once we stepped into the diner, everybody's eyes were on us. Like literally everybody. I think I even saw a girl cry in one of the corners.

The waitress was nice enough to ask us if we wanted to sit in the back. We agreed and walked by all of the staring eyes.

Zayn and I sit down in a booth. The waitress gave us the menus and we both go through them to see what looked good. I mean everything looked good so I don't know how I was supposed to choose. I know Zayn felt the same way when he huffed and begrudgingly put the menu down and crossed his arms like a child.

"You having trouble there, mate?" I said chuckling. I was currently videotaping him being a kid.

"This is ridiculous. How am I supposed to choose between chicken and waffles and a delicious ass looking omelet." He said.

"Just get one and we'll come back tomorrow to try the other."

"Then how am I going to decide which one I want to eat today?"

•     •     •

After having a heated conversation with Zayn on his decision on which order he wanted to try today, we ate peacefully. He got omelet today and tomorrow he'll be getting his chicken and waffles. I got pancakes with a shit load of stuff on the side. It was like three different kinds of meals in one. I had the pancakes with a side of eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns. Plus I got a coffee to go with all of the food.

After eating three-quarters of the food, I felt like my pants were gonna rip open and someone was going to choke on the button that's gonna pop off. I've never eaten so much in my life. Wait... never mind.

Never go to my family's house on Christmas.

We got our things together and walked out of the diner, still having everyone's eyes on us. After we left, we kind of just walked around a bit. Some fans ran into us and we took pictures with them.

It was kind of getting late so we start looking for a way to get back to the hotel. I didn't really think that transportation was going to be hard here but it really is. If we're staying for a while, we might as well rent a car. Renting a car is probably cheaper than taking an uber everywhere.

Maybe tomorrow we could go hunting for a car. But right now I'm exhausted from all the vlogging and walking around and all I want to do I sleep.

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