Chapter 2

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*Brenda's POV*

       I woke the next morning to my phone blaring for my attention somewhere on the other side of the room. I rummaged through my work clothes that I had just dumped on the floor last night until I found it and answered the call without thinking. "Hel- Excuse me" I coughed in an attempt to find my voice, "Sorry about that, hello who's calling?" I winced at my own automatic politeness for phone calls.

      "Hi Brenda, it's Megan I don't know if you remember me, we met last night?" the voice on the other end began and my brain started to remember what had been the best part of last night's shift. "Yeah of course what can I do for you?"

      She hesitated and I heard shuffling and another voice in the background. "Yeah so I was wondering if you would want to meet up today? Like if you don't already have plans or anything" She seemed nervous in asking, but then again technically I'm just a stranger to this girl.

      "Yeah that would be cool I'll meet you at 12?" Megan laughed and then informed me that it was 1:15 right now. "Wow I really overslept after work last night, is the fountain outside the front of the hotel at 2 okay for you?" she agreed and we hung up.

      I rushed to change and make myself presentable to the world before bumping into Mammy in the kitchen. "Why are you in such a hurry?" She laughed lightly. I cocked an eyebrow and asked her, "Isn't your day off supposed to be Friday?"

      "Brenda honey, today is Friday," she continued to laugh at my loss of sense, "Work must really be frying your brain now" she commented before I nodded, unable to speak with half a slice of toast currently occupying my mouth. I tried to tie my shoelace with the opposite hand when Mammy spoke again, "Are you meeting Alex?"

      I shook my head, "Not today, I think I made a friend last night at work, but I gotta run right now to the hotel to meet her or I'll be late, I love you I'll text you if I'll be home for dinner!" I placed a quick kiss on her cheek before dashing out the door and almost sprinting down my street, faintly hearing her say to herself, "Her? Finally she made a friend who's not a boy"

      Once I realised I wouldn't be late to meet Megan, I slowed to a walk and opened my phone again. I had a couple texts from my cousin that were irrelevant and, what was most probably a drunken one from Alex last night to tell me about his latest girl he had on the go. I ignored all of them as I rounded the final corner and took a seat on the edge of the fountain to wait for Megan. I was about to check Twitter when she arrived.

      "Hi" she grinned. "Hello, I'm sorry in advance if I space out, I'm super tired I didn't get home until 3:30 last night, but let's go to the beach, I know a shortcut" she nodded in agreement and we set off.

      We chatted slightly on the way, discussing basic information - likes, dislikes, hobbies, friends etc. After a few minutes of silence, Megan perked up as if wanting to ask me something but not being sure how to. "Go on ahead," I stated, "Ask the question"

      "What's the deal with you working in the hotel? I mean, not to be rude, but you're the youngest person in there besides Alex and the coffee shop girl." I sighed and smiled before beginning to explain, "Now you see, the hotel is owned by these stuck up rich people, but in essence, it belongs to my family since like 90% of us work there. I mean I've waitressed since I was 9, my dad is the Head Chef, the coffee shop girl you mentioned is my cousin, as is the receptionist and my uncle is the main bartender, just to give you an idea."

      She nodded and hesitated again. I laughed and said, "Okay new rule, don't hold anything back from me I'll tell you when you get to the line for your questions, after all we're friends now"

      She smirked slightly, "So what's the deal with you and Alex?" I scoffed, I've been asked this at least a million times. "I swear to you on Blake Richardson's life that we are strictly friends. I met Alex when he was 13 so I was 11 and he's always been there when I needed someone to talk to. We just have a laugh together" She nodded, "Good because you wouldn't be a good couple I don't think"

      "Why do you want him or something?" I teased. She violently shook her head and laughed, "No I'm seriously committed to Levi..... Most of the time, but then there's also Daniel Sharman in Teen Wolf though"

      The day continued like this, just laughing and getting to know each other. Hours later, the sun began to set and I managed to get myself up off the sand of the beach before holding my hand out to pull Megan to her feet. "C'mon, the sun is going down in 45 minutes, I should get you home or your parents will hate me before they even meet me"

       We reached the door of the hotel about a half hour later, just as Alex was entering. "Brenda!" he called "Tell me you're on tonight?" I laughed and shook my head, "Sorry mate got my first Friday off in months!"

      I turned back to Megan, "This was fun, we should do it again sometime."

      She returned the smile on my face, "Definitely I mean I'm here all summer and there's only so much Emma and Joe I can take" I slung my arm round her shoulder in a short side-hug, "I see this being the start of a beautiful friendship, especially if you'll listen to me talk about Blake"

      "Only if you listen to me talk about Levi!" She retaliated. I held my hand out, "Deal" She shook my hand then headed inside up to her room while I turned to walk home, wondering what this summer will bring. Little did I know, this was only the beginning.

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