Chapter 10

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*Megan's POV*

      "BIRMINGHAM THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU WERE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL" Ryan McLoughlin yelled to the crowd as HomeTown began playing Where I Belong. The Tide were due on stage in 20 minutes and Nate, was nowhere to be seen.

      "Where is he?" The same question coming from Levi now that everyone had been asking since this morning.

      "Okay I'm done with this waiting, I'm going to look for him and when I find him, I'm going to kill him so boys, find a new drummer" Brenda stood and headed towards the door, "MEGAN COME WITH ME"

      "What about me?" Blake called after the both of us.

     "Come if you want, we just need to find him!"

      The three of us were checking every unmarked door, the canteen, both sides of the stage and we still couldn't find him. We were walking along a corridor right at the back of the arena, Brenda and I debating where was left to look when Blake stopped us.

      "The fire escape door back there was open, did you leave it open earlier Brenda?" He asked.

      She rolled her eyes, "Why do you lot always assume an open door or window is my fault?"

      "Because it normally is when you decide to go on an 'adventure' and if it wasn't you, let's check it. Maybe Nate is out there" I reasoned before leading the way.

      The door led to nothing nearly, just what seemed like the building that gave the arena its power. "Obviously he's not here now can we go?"

      I turned to go back in but stopped again, hearing voices not far from where we were standing. Blake went to speak but I held my finger up to stop him, "I can hear something shut up"

      Slowly, both Brenda and I moved to the corner of the wall beside us and peeked our heads round it.

      "I knew it!" Brenda whispered. In front of us was Nate, sitting on a little patch of grass talking to Lucy while playing with her fingers, neither of them having seen us yet.

      "My otp is alive god, I can't deal with their cuteness" Brenda was rambling behind me.

      "I don't wanna kill the moment but we really do need to get him" I looked at Brenda and she shrugged, "Blake go get Nate" she stated.

      "Woah why me?"

      "Because I'm not interrupting my otp and because you love me pleaseee?" Brenda smiled hopefully at him before he reluctantly gave in with a mumbled, "Wonder what I wouldn't do for you" and walked around the corner.

      We turned our attention back to the pair on the ground, watching Nate's eyes widen as he finally saw Blake approaching. "Shit Blake-"

      "We won't say anything just come on, your set is about to start so plan your excuse quick"

      "Is it show time already?" Nate seemed genuinely unaware of the time.

      "Yes and your band are currently freaking out so you should really come on, hi again by the way Lucy" Brenda waved at her and Nate while he got up off the ground.

      "I'm sorry about this Lucy I probably should've thought about having the show tonight but um, wow this is scary, would you like to go out with me sometime?" Nate bit his lip and watched her face.

      "Of course I would Nate"

      "I'll text you?"

      "Or you can go out tonight after the show and Lucy can stay with me while you're performing and Brenda is working?" I suggested, Nate's face lighting up again, "Why didn't I think of that?"

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