Chapter 27

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*Drew's POV*

      "So, I'm forgetful, which one are you?" Brenda's dad asked me through the window that separated the restaurant and the kitchen as it was fairly slow.

      "Drew sir" I replied.

      "You're not in Blake's band?" I shook my head no, "You're with that boy Nate?"

      "Yeah that's the one," I laughed, "I'm the unloved group member because I'm single" I joked.

      "Well, if you're anything like Alex, and trust me you're better looking than him for a start, you'll pull a girl in Castlebay within 5 minutes"

      "Does Alex still work here?" Panic and slight anger rushed through my veins at the thought of him.

      "Nah Brenda told me what happened and I told him to get out"

      "You know he tried to get with Brenda like 2 years ago?" I asked him.

      "I'm aware," a serious tone coming through in the man's voice now, "I remember warning him if I found him that close to my daughter again that he'd never see the light of day again"

      I laughed, "Kind of glad I'm not dating Brenda now sir"

      "Nah you seem like a good lad" He patted my shoulder through the window.

      "Thank you but Blake and Brenda are meant to be, plus she's not my type I'm sorry" I explained, not wanting to offend him but instead he laughed.

      "It's fine, she's a bit of an acquired thing, you either can deal with her or you can't"

      "So you like Blake?"

      He nodded before speaking again, "He makes her happier than anyone ever has, so that makes me happy. Anyway, I don't think this place is gonna get any busier-"

      "Please don't kick me out," I laughed, "I have nowhere else to go"

      "I'm not son, I'm suggesting instead that you go out there to the reception and speak to the girl behind it. That's Tess my niece, she's 17 and just been dumped, go cheer her up for me please" He smiled at me and I nodded, handing him back the notepad he'd given me an hour and a half ago.

      "Hey, Tess isn't it?" I approached cautiously, not wanting to overstep my mark.

      She glanced up at me, the evidence she's been crying clear from the mascara stains down her cheeks before she nodded, "You're Drew, Brenda's friend"

      "I heard about what happened, would you like some company?"

      "Why would you care about me?" She harshly spoke.

      "Right now, honestly I don't since we're strangers, but let's get to know each other and maybe I will care"

      She waited for a minute before opening the side door which allowed me in to sit beside her. I sat in the chair net to hers and turned to face her, "So tell me about you Tess"

      "Seriously?" I was still sat hours later with Tess while she recited old memories of her childhood, the tear stains less evident now as she'd been laughing herself at my tour stories.


      I popped my head up over the reception top to see Brenda and Blake had come back, "Hey guys" I waved.

      "What are you doing? It's 2am" Blake laughed.

      "Where's Tess more importantly?" Brenda asked, moving closer and looking over, Tess casually waving up at her, "I got your texts, you alright cuz?"

      Tess nodded, "Yeah, Drew's been making me smile"

      Brenda smirked when she said this, "Yeah he's quite the comic lad," She took a step back, "Right I need get this dress off, right now. Have fun you two" She winked quickly at us both before her and Blake moved towards the stairs.

      "I'm sorry, she's so embarrassing" Tess laughed.

      "Believe me, I'm aware" I replied.

      "Drew," She trailed off, "Thank you for tonight and I don't know what this is, but I know I can't be with someone right now, but you're a great great guy"

      "Hey don't apologise, you deserve better than your ex anyway" I smiled before she leaned over and kissed my cheek, "Goodnight Drew"

      "Yeah, goodnight Tess"

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