Chapter 29

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*Brenda's POV*

      So far, no-one was dead, and we'd been out here for 2 hours so I think that's progress. We hadn't even had any real arguments happen at all, seems like the fresh air did everyone a bit of good.

      "Brendaaaaaaa," Nate called from the other side of the clearing, "Do you have the nice marshmallows you had the night we all met?"

      I laughed, "Yes I got some and I've got a lighter this time for the fire this time too"

      "Blankets?" Levi asked next.

      "Guys! I don't forget things I packed everything!" I laughed.

      "C'mon why don't we all go a walk" Reece suggested, everyone following off into the trees.

      Hours later and we'd tired ourselves out walking and had eaten pretty much all the food we had. Most people were wrapped in blankets as it was a cold night for August, while the only light was the fire in the centre of the circle and the stars above our heads.

      "Who's up for ghost stories?" Nate smirked.

      "No let's talk tour memories instead, like the first tour we all did together," Megs smiled "Who's first?"

      "Brenda pretty much killing Alex!" Drew laughed while I glared playfully at him.

      "London home show" George was next and so the circle continued.

      "Finding Nate and Lucy being well cute" Megs smirked at the pair, "I second that!" I laughed.

      "It's so cold, who's idea was this again?" Levi laughed while pulling his blanket, and Megs, tighter to his body.

      "Brenda's" the rest of the group chorused.

      "Excuse me, you lot all agreed"

      "Guys, I don't know if it's because it's late and I'm jetlagged as hell, but I love you lot" Blake spoke, all of us aww'ing and agreeing that really, we all loved this group around us.

      "What's the weirdest thing that could happen right now?" George laughed.

      "What kind of a question is that?" Megan replied.

      "Now we're all gonna die because of George" Rosie joked, poking his cheek while she spoke.

      "Who knows what can happen with us?" Lucy questioned.

      "I dooooooooo," I sang, watching everyone's heads turn to me, "Wait for it"

Suddenly, the noise started and everyone looked up to the sky.

      "Fireworks??" Drew yelled.

      "How did you manage this?" Nate laughed.

      "My granda's a wee gem, told me he had a load of spares sitting around since New Year, so I asked him to help me make use of them since we didn't properly celebrate a year of us all meeting"

       Everyone was standing from their spots now, some with phones out, recording and taking pictures, others just talking and enjoying the sights. I felt someone's hand slip into mine and turn me around, Blake. He pulled me close enough to him that our noses were brushing the others.

      "I love you" He whispered, even though no-one could hear us anyway.

      "I love you too"

      "Promise it'll always be you and me"

     "I promise Blake" I smiled, watching his grow too.

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