Chapter 9

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*Brenda's POV*

      Manchester, day 1 of tour and I'm just a teeny tiny bit excited to be working with Dean tonight while The Tide were performing and obviously seeing all the lads perform too. Joe kicked Nate, Drew, Megan and I out for messing around too much so we were currently just wandering around the streets, wondering where we could get some food.

      Nate thought he was smart walking backwards in front of us and talking, until he completely nailed a girl walking in towards us, "For God's sake Nate I told you to be careful!" I turned to the girl he'd walked into, "I'm sorry about that idiot"

      She looked about the same age as Megan and I, she was even a similar height and, because of the luck Nate and Drew have when they go out, she was wearing a Tide t-shirt. "So you're a fan?" Drew smiled at her while Nate was just staring at her in a way that would be borderline creepy if I didn't know him so well. "What's your name?" Megan then asked.

      "Lucy," she replied, "I don't want to bother you or anything but could I get a picture?"

      "Of course" Drew hugged her first before standing beside her and letting Megan take a few pictures of the two. Meanwhile I moved to stand beside Nate, "Earth to Parker, anyone home up there?" I teased and tapped his forehead, "You like her don't you?"

      He turned red at my comment, mumbling a very quiet "Maybe" under his breath. I then pushed him slightly towards Lucy as she was standing talking to Drew and Megan. "Hey" Nate smiled at her, holding his arms out for a hug, and she blushed before hugging him, but in the process accidentally hitting him in the face with the camera she had. Her and Nate both began to laugh, before Lucy started to apologise, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

      "Nah it's fine honestly" Nate replied and hugged her again while she continued to apologise.

      "I ship it so much, they're complete and utter goals" I fangirled slightly behind Drew so neither of them would see me, Megan laughing at my reaction.

      "Are you coming to the show tonight?" I heard Nate ask but before Lucy could reply, Drew interrupted, "He's asking coz he thinks you're really pretty and he doesn't have the balls to just ask you out"

      I stood beside Drew again just in time to see the dirty look Nate threw at him before turning back to Lucy, "Yeah I'll be there" she laughed after she spoke.

      "We're in Manchester for a few days now, you, Brenda and I should meet up sometime"

      "That sounds fun except I'm not actually from Manchester" Lucy explained.

      "Doesn't matter, we'll come to you" I smiled before the three of us swapped numbers.

      We walked with Lucy until she met up with the friends she was going to the concert with again, allowed them another round of pictures with Nate and Drew, before heading back to the arena.

      "Nate and Lucy sitting in a tree-" Drew was singing and skipping around The Tide's dressing room.

      "Shut up Drew you're just an Ellen lookalike" Nate pouted slightly.

      "OH CRAP PARKER JUST WENT THERE" Megan yelled, both of us crying from laughter at his comment.

      "Yeah well Ellen is fab, you're only pouting because you do like her"

      "Nate likes who?" Levi now entered the room, throwing himself on the sofa beside Megan, "I missed you" he said and pulled her close.

      "Nate likes Lucy, mine and Megan's new friend" I explained before he nodded, "How awkward was Nate on a scale of 1 to he managed to injure her?"

      "Excuse you, she hit me this time" Nate replied.

      "TIDE 5 MINUTES TIL STAGE, BICKER ABOUT THE GIRL LATER" Joe called from the hall and the boys hurried off, closely followed by Megan. I hesitated, plugging my phone into charge so I would have some battery before Blake and I were supposed to go out tonight, then rushing to grab my camera so I could actually do the job I was on the tour to do.

      About an hour later and New Hope Club had just come off stage from performing, Blake wrapping his arms around me as soon as he saw me. "I missed you a lot today," he mumbled into my neck before letting me go, "Are you ready for our date?" he smiled.

      "Yeah let me just grab my phone and we're good to go" I ran towards The Tide's dressing room again, hearing faint calls from Levi of "Be safe you two and I'm not meaning when you cross the road"

      I entered the room and found my phone now laying on the sofa, "That's not where I left it" I mumbled to myself, thinking I was alone in the room. I turned towards the plug in the corner to find Nate on his phone and using my charger.

      "Okay Nate you need to stop using my charger without asking me"

      "Brenda can I use your charger?" Nate asked, eyes not leaving the screen while he typed.

      I rolled my eyes and clicked the home button to check my phone as I went to leave again but the screen wouldn't come on and I quickly realised that it was dead.


      Nate's head lifted quickly at me using his full name, "You didn't even check if my phone was charged! I'm supposed to be going out with Blake and his phone's still broke so Joe won't let us go now- Are you even listening to me you dipshit" I asked as his eyes had now returned to the conversation on his phone.

      I lifted his phone from his hand, "Ohhhhhhh okay, you take my charger and hack my phone just so you can talk to Lucy again?" I smirked now at him, watching his face and neck turn scarlet, "If I say I'm sorry can we keep this a secret?" He looked up at me from the floor hopefully.

      "Not. A. Chance." I stated and ran out the door back towards everyone, "NATE IS TEXTING LUCY GUYS" I called as I got closer, stopping and attempting to regain my breath.

      "Are we going now?" Blake laughed.

      "Not tonight because Nate didn't let my phone charge so I have no battery and yours is still broken"

      "Goddamnit Nate" Blake laughed as Nate now came round the corner from the dressing room.

      "Leave him alone he's in love" I teased and watched him blush for about the millionth time today. "Megan, how soon do you think we can invite Lucy on tour?" I asked.

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