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Precious Little locked eyes with him. She seen him around a couple times at school, but never got up the courage to go talk to him. What makes it so bad, she's what you call a nerd, and he's a jock. The most popular jock in school. He's on the basketball, and football team. Plus he run track. Caleb Williams really have it going on.

Why was he looking at her like that? Maybe if she didn't look at him, maybe he would alert his eyes off her. Yep that is exactly what she's going to do.

They were doing a class project together, and everybody wanted to work with the nerd girl, he beat everybody to the punch, and grabbed a seat next to her.

Precious looked all around the classroom, mainly the clock. Hurry up! Thirty more minutes. I can do this. Yes I can. She thought in her head.

The bell ring. Class was over, and school was finished for the day. Hallelujah! Precious gathered her stuff so fast, she almost broke her finger nail tip.

"Wait, where you off to, so fast? We need to make some notes for this project. I can't fail." Caleb said touching her wrist.

Precious looked at him.

"We could go to the library." She suggested.

Caleb shook his head no.

"Nah man, that's boring. How about you come to my house. I got snacks, the library doesn't have that. I have drinks, the library just have water. Plus I have a TV, we can watch that and take notes. What do you say?" He asked her.

Precious thought about it. It wouldn't hurt anything. Who am I kidding. It will hurt me, and him. If his girlfriend found out. Precious rolled her eyes at the thought of his girlfriend. Plus her mother sure wouldn't mind.

"Sure why not? Will your girlfriend mind?" She asked him. He smiled.

"Nah, she had cheerleading practice, she won't know. Come on. I know you be riding the yellow school bus to school. I'll take you home in my ride." Caleb drove an all white Chrysler 200. His parents brought it for him when he got his license. Which was a year ago.

Precious nodded her head. She put her book bag on her back, and walked out in front of Caleb.

Caleb in Media

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Caleb in Media

"You know you sure don't look like a nerd or even dressed like a nerd. Why is that?" He asked her, as they made their way out the school building.

Precious looked at him side ways.

"I didn't know I was a nerd." She lied. She heard what people called her behind her back. "Just because I like to read, and answer question in class that makes me a nerd?" She asked him.

Caleb thought about it.

"Well yeah it does. You be on your shit girl. What's your GPA so far?" He asked her as they reached his car.

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