Chapter Sixteen - Hitting A New Low.

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Two years later..
Katherine's POV

I barely feel the needle when it pierces my skin and the contents within the shot empty into my vain. My entire body sags in relief, I've managed to avoid sickness and have stabilized myself to remain at my mental and physical high. The softness of the bed's comforter makes me smile and chuckle with glee, it's fluffy. I rest the needle on the nightstand table drawer and relax completely at the full circulation of the heroin.

"Mom, I'm hungry." Rory pipes up from the doorway, I jump, he really should learn not to bug me when I'm like this, it nearly gives me a damn heart attack. "Well make a sandwich!" I bark, giving him a dismissive wave of my hand. He's seven years old now and really needs to become a tad bit more independent and stop whining to me all the time. What does he expect? For me to wait on him hand and foot? Lucas surely won't do anything to help him.

Last week, Rory asked him what was for dinner and that resulted in a smack across the mouth and a busted lip. He ran to his room in tears and when he wouldn't stop his hysterical crying, Lucas sent me in there to comfort him. At the time I was very sick to my stomach from a day's withdraw and struggled to so much as make it to his bedroom.

"Babe, don't cry.. N-no.. That's not good." I slurred in a sick and nearly drunk sounding voice. I reached out my arms to embrace him, but he rejected me and instead scooted closer to the wall, glaring at me in disgust. "Rory.. C'mere.. Let me hold you and make it all better." The last words barely flowed from my mouth and I was tripping over myself to get to the toilet in time to retch into it.

Eventually, Rory calmed down on his own and fixed himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, wincing every time he took a bite. I eyed him with disproval from the bedroom threshold, he's such a baby. I've received far worse reprimands from his father and he knows that he got off lucky with just a simple smack.

There are times that I'm even finding myself jealous at the fact that Lucas takes it so easy on him. Rory will only get a kick to the gut, while I'll get the same thing times ten. I do appreciate how after my beatings, he will come and make sure I'm able to sit up on my own. We've worked out a system now, if either of us is struggling to breathe or move in the least, then it's time to call for an ambulance. On more occasions than him, I've been the one on the gurney and he in the car with his father or beside me.

A crash from the kitchen sends a shock of pain through my body as I jump again, Lucas's previous punishment still having taken a toll on my body. With a grown, I get to my feet and toddle over into the kitchen with a careful hand to keep my from stumbling over.

Rory is on the floor, his face streaked with tears and silent sobs shaking his small form. He clutched his hands over his left eye to conceal what must be a new injury. Lucas stands above him, his face flushed deep red with fury and his body tensed like a snake ready for its next strike. He looks over at me with an upper lip curled in disgust, I recoil instantly, he and Rory share this trait all too well and it also is well associated with a beating to follow.

"This piece of shit dropped the jar of jam from the fridge when putting it on the table. I think that now he knows better than to be so clumsy." He says, his posture and tone dictating that in his mind, he's in the right on this one. "Oh I'm sure he has.. Right, baby?" I coo to my son, looking down at him with my most pleading look. If he can't keep it together then that'll only make matters worse for the both of us.

"Yes." He replies flatly, keeping his head down and hands firmly clapped over his eye. Lucas nods, mumbling something inaudible under his breath and leaves the room and then the apartment. I cast a curious glance over to the front door, he must have to work tonight. I then make my way over to Rory, getting down on my knees and sinking down to his level on the cold kitchen floor.

"Rory, I need to see your eye in order to help you." I say, my voice maternal but overturned by my slurring speech. Looking at his hands and below his eye, there doesn't appear to be any blood, but I need to see the impact sight in order to make a good guesstimate if he's going to be alright or if he needs to go the hospital. "No! I don't want you to!" He wails, kicking out his legs and scooting into the corner of the room.

I'm tired of his disobedience. "Rory, you will do as you are told. I am your mother and if you don't do as I say.. Then things will turn very nasty, very quick." I say the last part slowly, giving it an ominous air and allowing my words to sink in completely. "Hmph." He pouts, slowly removing his hands from over his eyes.

His eye is swollen slightly and turning a dark purple color, but otherwise he's unharmed. There's a small cut at the bottom of his eye that's already clotted and become a scab, from to looks of it, Lucas rammed his head into the table. I click my tongue irritably. "You'll be fine. Better put some ice on it though." I remark, fetching an ice pack from the fridge and handing it to him.

An hour later, the mess in the kitchen is wiped clean and Rory is tucked in for the night. It took me about a half an hour for both chores since Rory put up quite a fight for his dinner. I managed to get him to eat a plain peanut butter sandwich, much to his distaste and get him to bed right after. Boy doesn't know how good he has it.

I now stand in Ms. Sanchez's apartment, waiting for her to go and get more needles. After having cleaned up the kitchen, I noticed that I was feeling sickly, the amount of the drug not having been enough to sustain me.

By the time she returns, I'm hunched over and so queasy that she has to practically tie my arm up and inject the fluid for me. My body reacts within a few minutes time, and I'm back in action and feeling healthy and happy as can be. She regards me with a sullen expression as I sip my wine cooler in her living room.

"You look exhausted." She comments, running a hand through her long dark hair. I look her over, I used to think she was a little skinny when I met her but now she's looking a tad bit malnourished. "You're one to talk. That meth surely is doing well to get you to lose weight." I reply, noting how baggy her jeans are on her. She nods but stares down at her cuticles that have been picked down to the skin and look raw.

I tried heroin from a different method, smoking it at first and worked my way up to injecting. Ms. Sanchez gets the drugs for us from her cousin Carla. I haven't met her yet, but plan to see her real soon so I can establish a personal connection with her and not be so dependent upon Ms. Sanchez for drug delivery. It should be a major help.

I stay at Ms. Sanchez's apartment until the sun begins to rise. She had gone off to bed an hour prior, but let me sit in her living room to mull over my thoughts. Finding it in me to leave the apartment, I descend down the stairwell and bite down on my torn bottom lip at the memory of a couple years ago on that very day. The day I lost my son or daughter at the hands of my husband is something that will always lurk within my mind and haunt me forever.

Author's Note.

A very deep chapter this one was for me to write. I apologize for the delay, there was some issues with connection and I sadly was unable to write. I'll certainly be picking back up on the schedule and updating every Thursday, unless something comes up.

What did you all think of Katherine now? What about how she treats the son she was once so loving towards? Lucas lashed out again towards him and she showed hardly any remorse.

Now you've also heard of the mysterious drug distributor Carla. What do you think of her? Do you hate/blame her for helping kickstart Katherine's addiction? Please do let me know in the comments :)

Next chapter, we will be fast forwarding to when Rory is eight. Perhaps now you all can sort of see why Rory had behaved the way he did and why he held such resentment for Katherine?

Please do give that little star a push if you felt that this chapter deserved it. I'm so happy for all the people that have stuck by me so far and throughout this entire series. Thank you all so much.

Until next time.. Stay Strong.

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