Chapter Fourteen - My Second Worst Nightmare.

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Twelve more months later..
Katherine's POV

"Mama." Rory giggles, reaching up to me, wiggling his little fingers to get my attention and announce that he's wanting to be held. I set aside my suit case, turning towards him and scooping him up into my arms, blowing a kiss on his cheek which earns we a squeal of joy from his throat. "Mama is almost done packing, baby." I coo, resting him on my hip and grunting. Goodness he's getting so big and has practically grown like a weed from since he was born.

For the past few months, I've been on my very best behavior such as not to enrage Lucas and cause another severely violent outburst and so far, I've been successful. There have been a few minor reprimands from him having a tough day at work or just needing to blow off steam, but those always ended with a small cut on my lip from a smack or a sore private area from aggressive sex. My good behavior had paid off three months ago, I'd finally convinced him to allow me to work as a seamstress again.

I've been saving up small amounts from my pay checks but it's finally begun to pay off. I have made enough money to afford two plane tickets to go and meet up with my parents, when I see them then Rory and I will be free of Lucas's clutches at last. My mother and father are ecstatic to finally meet their grandson after two years of waiting. I haven't seen them since the wedding and I can not wait to be back in an abuse free environment, and with parents to welcome us in with open arms. I've been smiling all week and even Lucas has noticed, commenting on the skip in my step and how happy it makes him.

Little does he know that by the time he gets home tonight, my son and I will be on our way to Ohio and soon be able to file for a divorce and protection order against him. The thought of calling him to court and serving him with the papers has been the highlight of my days, even when Rory has a tantrum or an exceptionally dirty diaper. We've been working on potty training him now that he's been up and walking but have seen no results so far. Hopefully a less stressful environment will make this next crucial step in his life easier. It'll also be an added bonus that I'll actually have a decent helping hand at raising him, unlike Lucas, who refuses to even change a diaper.

After having gotten all the bags packed up with a mixture of toiletries, toys, and clothing, I'm strapping Rory into his seat in the back passenger side, stopping momentarily to feed him a few crackers for his afternoon snack. He gobbles them down with glee, staring up at me with my same brown eyes and grinning happily at me. He's so cute and it's going to be near impossible to pry him away from his grandmother, she'll be all over him like butter on toast.

I slam the car door shut, the image of my mom holding him and cuddling him close, keeping the joy inside of me constant. When I find my way to the back trunk, I manage to shut it completely after having had to move around a some of the baggage, it clicks shut and sends a wave of relief over me. The sensation doesn't last long when I here a throat clearing behind me.

My body no longer is alive with the joy from the pursuit of freedom, but is now stone cold and heavy like it was filled with led. "Well, well, looks like someone thought she could fool me." Lucas chortles, the tone is dark and laced with more anger than humor, causing my heart to jumpstart. His shoes scrape the concrete as he approaches me from behind, stopping so close that I can feel his hot breaths against my neck.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Kat. And to think, I thought that you had finally gotten your shit together." He says, clicking his tongue, his tone now scolding. He has yet to take a swing at me but I know why, we are outside the apartment complex and there are too many potential witnesses. The last thing that Lucas needs is another person attempting to get him in trouble with the law. Neighbors have constantly tried to talk to me and ask questions, probably since they've called the cops so many times after hearing screaming coming from within the apartment and seeing an ambulance come to claim me before. I've always been forced to come up with the bullshit story of a fall or something far more absurd. From the look in their eyes, they pity me and don't believe a word at this point.

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