Chapter Twenty - You Can't Take Back What You See.

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One Year Later..
Katherine's POV

Sweet laughter teases in my ears while I work on the stove, watching over the boiling pasta noodles and meat sauce for the spaghetti dinner of the night. I thought it'd be a nice surprise for both Rory and his friend Ronnie to get a decent sleepover at our apartment for a change. Rory having recently started staying over at his best friend Ronnie's house too often in my and Lucas's opinion.

I've been expecting Lucas to return from the grocery with the garlic bread shortly, having been afraid that if I didn't go and get it myself then the whole situation would turn very ugly. But this time Lucas let me off the hook and went off to fetch the bread for me, his mood boosted from a recent promotion. For the last few weeks there have been no fights or reprimands and I've been trying my absolute hardest to keep it that way.

Even for Rory things have been good. He's been happy as a clam and showing proper respect for me. He apologized for his remark the next day in the hospital, saying that he was just scared and didn't know how to react but knew deep down that blaming me wasn't the right way to go about it. When he said that I already got enough of that from his dad, my heart thawed slightly but ached in my chest from his truth.

"Here's the bread, hon." Lucas says, setting the box containing it down on the counter beside the stove and pressing a kiss to my cheek. I smile widely at him, this time it is genuine. "Thank you, Luke." The use of his shortened name makes him even more pleased with me, his arms wrapping around my waist and his lips brushing over my neck when his head rests on my shoulder.

"I took care of that Dustin and his little girlfriend." He growls with fierce pleasure emanating from his voice. My hand ceases stirring the pasta sauce, my entire body going rigid in his arms. He chuckles, nibbling my ear and continuing. "I didn't kill them. I just got him arrested for rape from the samples that were taken from you while you were in the hospital. For her, I organized a little bust for the dealing and she was arrested within minutes."

He continues on, proudly telling me about his clever ideas and calm and collected demeanor when finally going about them. Dustin would for sure get what he gave me but far worse, he'd be lucky to not be murdered in prison while a guard turned a blind eye on it. That's how it normally works with rapists and pedophiles and I must say that it makes sense for no one to care about their basic rights.

Carla on the other hand stands a slightly better chance than him in prison. I thankfully was deemed unfit to stand trial against the two of them, having been on strict bed rest for an extra week after having come down with an intense fever during my stay in the hospital. Lucas took care of it all for me and this is the first time in years that I can thank him for something good that he's done. Aside from giving me my son, there's nothing else I can think of.

He leaves my side, giving me another quick kiss before heading off to the living room and turning on the television. Rory's laughter bellows from the living room and I peak out to see Lucas looking down on him and Ronnie with happy eyes. Normally Lucas would punish Rory for being so loud while he was trying to watch something but I think that this time he is just out there really to spend time on the side with his son.

The oven beeps and I bustle over to the bread and quickly open the box, placing the bread sticks onto a none stick sheet and placing it into the oven. The sauce and noodles look to be about done so I switch off the stove and pour the contents of both pots into two separate bowls after pouring the noodles through a strainer. I set the table, setting out plates and forks with drinks requested beside them along with the food on the table, eager to play the perfect hostess.

The oven sounds again and I remove the bread from inside and place it into a bowl much like the others and place it in the center of the table. "Dinner's ready!" I call to them, already being greeted by the two boys hurrying to their seats to get to eating. Lucas chuckles beside me while I serve them their portions and receive thank you's from the two of them.

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