Chapter Twelve - He's Mine.

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Eight and a half months later..
Katherine's POV

The feeling of little nudges and kicks are the thing that wakes me up with a smile. I look up at the ceiling and grin to myself in the darkness of the room, just slithers of morning light shining through the curtains. Baby boy has always been active in the mornings, often waking me up from cravings or movements. Sometimes they are quick little jerks and I've nicknamed them to be little hiccups.

Lucas stirs as well in his slumber, rolling over on his side and smacking his lips dreamily. He didn't get in until late last night from the office and was probably exhausted. I was already out when he got home so I have no idea what time he could've came in, my being the heavy sleeper that this kid has made me into. I lift my head and crane my neck to get a glimpse at the hump in my stomach, seeing the skin move lightly from whatever part of his little body he's trying to adjust. With how much he shifts, this child is going to be a runner.

It's been almost nine months into the pregnancy and it's relieving to see that it's all going smoothly. I've had several ultrasounds and gynecology appointments and they've told me the sex and say that my little boy is healthy as can be. I remember how excited I was to find out about the sex and breaking down in happy tears at finding out I was having a son. Lucas was ecstatic about him, claiming that it was on gut intuition that he knew it would be a boy in my womb.

It was surprisingly easy to deal with Lucas's reaction at the pregnancy. He was very shocked from it and said I shouldn't have been so careless with the pills of course, but after the light scolding, he warmed right up to the idea of becoming a father. He even has been attending the appointments with me, holding my hand and giving me the very same loving gazes that he reserved for our dates after we first became a couple. My heart had never felt so light and my stomach fluttered with the joy of the prospect of motherhood.

Lucas hasn't laid a hand on me since he found out about my pregnancy and saw the proof. I've grown quite accustomed to being able to move freely, without the fear of aches and pains on various places on my body. There have been a few times that he demanded sex but he was very careful about the act, pulling back if I so much as showed any sign of pain or discomfort at his actions. His temper is still a bit of a worrisome burden on me, few times he's come home and punched the door of the bathroom in a horrid fit of rage. It's better the door than me or at the growing baby.

I arch my back, fighting hard to sit up in the bed without falling back and rousing my husband. After about five months it's became a battle to get out of bed from the heavy bundle in my core. I'm greeted with light thrashing from within that makes me smile. I straighten my spine and am finally sitting up right, sighing and combing my fingers through my tangled mane in accomplishment. "Mm.." Lucas murmurs beside me, turning onto his stomach and pressing his face into the pillow. I can't help but giggle at how innocent he is in his sleep, almost looking much younger than he actually is.

I'm in the bathroom in a short while, wrapped in a towel from the shower and placing my shoulder length blonde hair up in a neat bun. I should probably consider getting it cut again, I heard that babies like to pull hair but I may not be able to since I barely got Lucas to agree to my cutting off three inches a month ago. I dress in a comfy pair of baggy jeans and a light swear shirt, stepping into my slippers and looking at myself from an angle in the mirror. My belly looks huge and swollen but without any motion from within. The boy never has been that active towards this time of morning.


The dishes in the sink are finally clean and polished along with the rest of the kitchen. An hour's worth of cleaning was very much needed after my lazing out the other day from morning sickness and a restless night. Lucas clears his throat from behind me, immediately sending a jolt down my spine. I can tell that there is something he intends to say or do. I turn to face him, enveloping me arms around my stomach to hold it. It's always comforted me to do this, makes me feel safe and not so alone. Lucas's stare burrows into me, his gaze flicking from between my face and my stomach. "I think it's time that we pick a name for my son, don't you think?" His question is posed in more of a threatening tone, stating that he has ideas for the boy.

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