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No matter how hard you try
They come back
They crush your soul
And everything you were made for
They find joy in putting you down

And all for what?

People say to not read into someone's actions
But how can't you
When all they do is hurt you
When all they do is put you down
Until you're lying on the cold hard ground?
And all they spell is trouble?

Their words intertwine with your brain
Saturating the once good thoughts
into thoughts of sadness and depression
Into only a ghost of forgotten goodnesses
Into faint memories of happiness

Bullies do whatever it takes
To make themselves look good
I mean, who wouldn't?
A little self promo doesn't hurt
Until they start hurting others
Putting them underneath them to
Make themselves higher
And bigger
And stronger
And prettier
And fitter

After they've finished,
All that's left of you is a ghost
Of who you used to be
What you used to love
A shell without a crab
A house without a home.

A/N: So peoples, this was the first poem I think I ever wrote, and I've edited it a little bit, and I know it's pretty horrible, bit I wanted to leave it the same to help show me how much I've grown from like, fifth grade writing XD
SO, you know, don't judge, because this is obvi writing from years ago. Four, to be fairly precise.

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