Dedicated to astrologicalys, for her amazing persistence and you know, just keeping on keeping on.
I know it's hard
Life is hard
I would know
I've seen so many things
I wish I could un-see, un-experience
And, though I can't see the future
It will get harder
So much harder
But it will get better
You just have to embrace the tears
And let the ones you love help
Pick you up
Lift your chin
Hold you tight
Because, when all's said and done,
Life goes on
The earth spins
The sun will rise
Your feet will keep going
Your heart will keep beating
Your lungs still breathing
Your mind still thinking
Your soul still living
And you will be okay
I promise
Flying Away || Poetry
PoetryPoems by the broken, for the broken. {Lovely cover done by @tinhovercarinice}