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Every time I look in the mirror,
You're there
Taunting me
Ridiculing me
Hating me
I never knew why
And I still think it's my fault
I still say I'm sorry
When the tears are fresh on my face
I don't know why
The ones that came from those words that you said
You know, the ones that really don't matter
I don't know why
And I'm still here
I don't know why
It seems pointless
I don't even know who I am anymore
I pretend to be perfect for you
Sweet for nobody in particular
Obnoxious to them
Sarcastic to her
Amazing to him
I've dug so deep
Trying to be everything
That I don't even know my name anymore
And you still force the apologies out of me
And you still make me wrong, even when I'm right
And you still make me weep at night
You still make me build my shell tighter and tighter
You know how I'm afraid of snakes?
Well, I'm afraid of people, too
Because of you
Because I was dumb enough to trust you and think that all human beings were as "amazing" as you
I wish I could go back in time
And whisper the unnecessity of it all
You didn't see
You don't listen
You won't know
You wouldn't understand
You couldn't love
You shouldn't try
Don't. Not anymore. Just don't.
The irony of your love has been lost on me

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