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"Come on Harry we're gonna be late to the interview. Me and Harry were at the doctors and thankfully the little one is good. Now we were rushing to the place were the interview was.

"I'm working on it calm yourself ." Harry pulled he keys out as we rushed to get in the car.

"I just don't want to be late and I'm really fucking stressed out Harold ." I snapped.

"Don't stress. Listen to me. It's not good for the baby. We will be okay. Got it? So dont stress anymore, we won't be late I promise." Harry promised pecking my lips as we pulled out.

I huffed exasperated and laid my head back on the cold leather seat. Well nothing is as cold as that shit they put on my fucking stomach. That's cold right there. Colder than fucking Antarctica .

We pulled into the lot and Harry opened my door for me and helped me out.

The paps were swarming me too much. Harry swooped me up and took off running into the building. How could he carry such a fat person like me holy fuck.

"You're okay now." Harry whispered I hadn't realized the tears that fell from my eyes, I fisted his shirt on his back as my grip was tight on him. I nodded my head buried in the crook of his neck. I was scared for the first time ever. I was so scared.

"It's okay." Harry cooed in my ear. His lips briefly touched my ear sending tingles of electricity through my body. I nodded and smiled against him cuddling up more to him.

"Interview Harry Styles and Stacy Malik ." Harry said to someone I couldn't see. I was inhaling his scent off his shirt. I hope I'm not being that incredibly creepy.

"Oh yes, floor 24." A high pitch voice said back. I cringed at her voice as I felt Harry nod and walk to what I assume was the lift.

Not even a minute later the doors to the lift dinged and Harry carried me in. I felt so safe in Harry's arms.

"Are you going to get down soon?" He asked.

"Nah I'm pretty comfortable." I sighed in contempt.

"Well if your not stressed I'm fine with this." Harry readjusted a bit.

"I can't believe your carrying a fat person." I groaned.

"Hey you are not fat ." Harry spoke sternly not a hint of joking around.

"Your so adorable." I nuzzled closer to him if that was even possible.

The lift dinged and Harry walked out with me still in his arms. My arms were lazily thrown around his neck, my head nuzzled in his chest. One arm on my back. One arm under my legs. I was pretty comfortable.

Harry walked through a maze of hallways till we finally reached the set. Harry carried me in and sat down with me on the couch. We had twenty minutes till the show started so the interviewer was just making small talk with Harry and I , well I have muffled answers.

"So Harry carried you all the way up here?" She awed.

I nodded and I saw Harry's cheeks flush a wee bit.

" What's wrong Stacy ?" She asked.

"I'm exhausted. " I told her honestly looking up for the first time. I knew I looked bad.

"Do you mind if we get someone to do your makeup, both of you before the show?" She asked , not trying to hurt our feeling but, we both had prominent bags, we had red noses from the cold weather that nipped at us outside . My cheeks were slightly tearstained. I looked like shit and so did Harry .

I nodded and so did Harry as she snapped her fingers and two people came over and went straight to work. When we were done, there wasn't a speck of a flaw anywhere on either of us.

"Show starts in five!" A chubby man with a clip board and an earpiece called to us . Margret I think her name was fixed her perfect brown curls and smiled at us.

The man began counting down telling us the show was starting.

"Good afternoon everyone , I'm Maris ." The woman introduced. Margret , Maris , same thing.

"Today we have Stacy Malik , and Harry Styles for a short interview on all the questions of their relationship." She smiled cheerily. I sat there with a blank expression as did Harry , we are tired, and stressed out .

"So Stacy , how did this happen?" I knew just the snarky remark to say back too.

"Well you know it's the birds and the bees which is simple you see-" She cut me off with a laugh.

"No maybe I should restate the question." She laughed.

"How did you become pregnant?"

"Harry." I stated simply.

"Oh, I see but three months ago, well two, you were suppose to marry Austin Mahone . What happened there?"

"Well you see, dipshit over here, thought it would be the perfect time to proclaim his love for me and proving it by making love to me," I motioned to Harry , "and three weeks after I found out I was pregnant with Harry's baby, so I told Austin and he told me, to leave him at the alter or just not show up. So that's exactly what I did. Three months later here I am with Harry and he finds out, and he faints, and then ya, here I am today." I explained all in one breath. She looks a bit stunned but recovers quickly.

"Wow, so Harry how do you feel about this? I saw that twitter video . In fact lets pull it up on the screen. The crowd cheers and the video is on the screen ready to be played. They press play and it begins. Harry is near my growing belly, my fingers threaded into his curls . His perfect full lips move with every word as he reads to the unborn child the sound travels to me and the kicking starts again, its Harry's voice that she loves.

"Hold up." I made them stop.

"What's wrong?" Maris asked worried.

"Replay." I demanded she nodded and replayed. There she goes again.

"Harry." I looked up at him.

"Hand." I demanded. He put his hand out and I placed it on my stomach. She was kicking an awful lot, Everytime she heard Harry's voice reading, talking , or singing to her.

He leaned down and all cameras were on us not the video.

"Hey little one." Harry cooed to my stomach. I felt a big kick and Harry laughed.

"That was a big kick , yea?" Harry smiled at me. This is the first moment in a while. I was happy. In this moment on live tv I was happy.

"Lets go to break." Maris announced .

"The baby is kicking ?" Maris asked as he sat next to me. I nodded.

"May I feel?" She quizzed.

"She wants Harry's voice too." I whispered to her.

"I won't tell anyone my lips are sealed." Maris told me. I nodded as she placed her hand on my tummy.

"Are you going to be daddy's princess?" Harry cooed. She began kicking again and I smiled down at Harry .

"That's amazing ." Maris removed her hand.

"Yea, it truly is." I nodded in agreement.


After the show we went home and ate macaroni and cheese. The usual. I will give this kid what ever the hell it wants trust me.

I fell asleep that night thinking of what Maxxine will look like. I'm really excited, yet nervous for when this baby comes.

Time jump next chapter, thought I should warn you my babes! I'm really excited for the second book! But don't worry, we aren't near the end yet! I'm thinking of ending it on chapter fifty , sound good comment if you want it longer so I can make it longer too! love u!


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