I bite

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I sat on my bed and debated on either being productive today, or sitting on my lazy ass playing halo all day.


I grabbed my controller turning on my Xbox . Video game day for this lady. I was dressed in checkered pajama pants and a black tank top that adjusted to my curves well. I cupped my hand to my face remembering last night. Shivering I got off my bed to get something to eat before I began playing. I don't want to explain what happened last night. Lets just say I'm definitely phased by it. I looked into the mirror that hung isolated in my bare halls. My lip was busted open, my eyes bloodshot, my cheek already bruised. And tearstained. I never in a million years thought Derek would lay a hand on me. Let alone hit me. I can't believe I gave into Derek and broke my friendship with the boys. It doesn't matter if Zayn is my brother or not. I remembered last nights event glaring at my weak self.


Normally I'm not quiet. No I'm bouncing off the walls but I kept my mouth shut once something on the news caught my eye. Harry and I . Kissing. Holding hands. Walking together smiling at one another. How could I do this I'm still with Derek ! I'm a horrid person.

As I took the last bite of my yummy steak I had cooked for myself I heard a knock.

"Coming!" I responded. I wiped my mouth and swallowed before heading towards the door. As soon as I opened it , my back was greeted with the wall behind me.

"You bitch! You little cunt!" The angry voice made my face drain of color.


I felt his hard fist come in forceful contact with my cheek as I whimpered in pain biting my lip holding back the sobs that threatened to come out.

Don't you cry Stacy . I told myself over and over again.

"Derek I'm sorry-" I was cut off with my head being knocked to the wall. I saw my vision blur as tears threatened to spill over. I finally allowed he tears to spill over. Derek's tall angry figure stood in front of me his chest heaving with anger. I bit my lip but only broke through the skin causing it to break and bleed. I cursed silently under my breath as I looked up.

"Derek I will do anything to make it up." I begged.

"You tell the boys you never want to see them again." Derek spoke quickly already knowing his decision. I was devastated. I loved those boys like family now. I nodded slowly.

"Good." Derek nodded. I sobbed some more once Derek left. I was going to call the boys tomorrow. I have to be strong. I have to obey. I have to be with Derek I think....


I shook my head disappointed at myself. I grabbed my phone off the counter and a box of trix. I dialed my brothers number after two rings he picked up.

"Hello?" His voice came a bit rushed.

"Hi." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He quizzed.

"I'm sorry I can't see you or the boys ever again. Spread the news to them would ya." And with that I hung up and blocked all their numbers. I let a tear slip from my eye as I walked back to my room. I looked around my room at all of the boxes of clothes and random shit. I'm moving in with Derek . I had to. I flopped down on my bed letting the tears fall freely as I brought my knees to my chest. I can't believe I have to let them all go. It was too fast to let them go. Just too damn fast.....


I rushed back out in only my boxers and shirt. I had to alert the boys. I am so confused.

"Guys." I panted. I had run around our huge mansion just to get to the entertainment room.

"What's the rush mate." Harry chuckled.

"I...." I shook my head tears threatening to spill over.

"Zayn mate what's wrong?" Niall stood up.

"She never wants to talk to us or see us ever again." I croaked.

"Who?" Louis searched my eyes for an answer.

"Stacy..." That's when I lost it and let the tears roll down my cheek.

"What?" Harry whispered in pure shock.

"Yea..." I nodded.

"Fuck!" Harry slammed his fist in the wall.

"Calm down mate." Liam tried to calm the furious boy.

"No! This is my fault! I fell for her! I knew I shouldn't have! " Harry punched the wall once more. Wait Harry fell in love with my sister?

"What?" Me and all the others questioned , shocked in unison.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you....." Harry sighed. I wasn't mad. I was hurt that he wouldn't tell us about their relationship and kept it a secret.

"She was cheating on her boyfriend with me....." Harry sighed again. I gaped at him . Harry and Stacy were in a secret relationship behind , the boys' and I 's back and Stacy's boyfriend's back. That's why it was a secret. I rubbed my temples and sighed.

"Look we need I get to we to find her. We have to talk her out of this!" I exclaimed exasperated. With that we all got up and into the large range rover it was a thirty minute drive to her flat. I leaned my head against the cold window watching the blur of people and buildings go by. I sighed frustrated at the world at life.

"You okay mate." Louis wasn't talking to me. He was talking to a furious green eyed boy. His eyes were full of hate , anger , and regret. Louis's eyes were full of worry, and hurt. I knew we were all hurt by the secret Harry kept but it didn't mean we didn't care about him. He fell in love with my sister.


As soon as we got to Stacy's apartment building we basically flew into the lobby. Past the doorman we ran to the elevator impatiently pressing the buttons.

As the floors went by it felt like eternity. We finally got to floor 12 the floor of Stacy's an Stella's flat. I knocked vigorously on the door . No answer. I turned the knob to see if it was unlocked. It was so I let us all in and ran to her room. Empty. Everything of hers was gone. Including her too.


"Stop please!" I cried the tears streaming down my bruised face. His hands pushed against my chest as he pushed me down the stairs. I tumbled down, and my ribs hit the last stair. My head came in contact hard with the floor at the very bottom as dark spots began to blur my vision.

Life got better than worse.

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