Little Miss Hipsta~ Chapter 3

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I watched Harry's shocked expression with a smirk on my lips.

"I got beat by a girl!" He tugged at his curls.

"Should I give you some glue so you can piece your ego back together?" A snort escaped my mouth. I put my hands behind my head. Harry glared at me and pulled out his phone.

My phone dinged, the logo of Twitter caught my eye and I quickly unlocked my phone and clicked on the app.

@Harry_Styles: I don't like you @stacymalik

I snorted kicking him. "Who said I liked you?" He shrugs his large broad shoulders. "Poor poor pop star, losing to a girl at something you're suppose to be good at." Harry crosses his arms pouting. But then a smirk appears on his lips.

"Oh you just wait darling. The army is coming." I raised my brow until I heard my buzzer continuously go off.

"What the hell did you do?" I kicked his back. "Are you fucking five? Having those hormonal fourteen year olds follow me and turn on me!" Follow notifications light up my screen faster than I can unlock it.

"I'm eighteen actually, but I'm glad you noticed my young looks." Harry pretends to fluff his hair. I push him off the couch and use him as a foot rest.

"You're taking me to dinner tomorrow don't forget. That was the deal."

"Call it a date my dear, I'll pick somewhere real nice. And I'll make sure they have kids menus." I glare at him and begin blocking people who have followed me.

"So what did you mean the army is coming?"

"Well the followers, and... the others are on their way."

"Wait what?"







"Because Louis!" I groaned irritatedly. A smug smirk took over his lips and he stuck his tongue out at me. Niall was laughing like an idiot along with Harry who continuously smirked at me.

"You guys are so annoying." I groaned flopping my body onto the couch. Well, all of them except Liam. I didn't like Zayn very much, we constantly bickered. Harry was annoying, 'cause he's, well Harry. Niall just laughed at everything we said, every mini argument, every thing thrown, he was naturally a happy person and it was so cute. Louis was just.... I don't even know, he just bothered me, he was like that annoying kid who asks if you have games on your phone. Liam was the only one I actually liked. He has manners and was nice. I'm pretty sure the others had either A) been raised on a farm or B) switched brains with a monkey.

"Can you stop bothering me you irrelevant being." I hit Zayn with my controller.

"Nah." Zayn smirked and pushed into me again.

"Do it again see what happens." I press the A button to kill a guy and Zayn presses the B which made me jump and get killed. "You stupid brat!" I tackled him, attempting to suffocate, the 'thing' I call my brother, with a pillow.

"Bitch!" Zayn yelled tackling me, I pushed him to the ground and beat his face with a pillow.

"Brat!" I yelled back. Harry threw a pillow at me causing me to fall off Zayn.

"Harry you ass!" I pushed Zayn away and tackled Harry. Liam tried to reason with everyone about how we were being childish but I continued my attack on the annoying man.

"Did you know when a girl bullies a boy it means she likes him!" Louis accuses. Harry smirks at me with a knowing look.

"Me? Like this?" I gesture to Harry. "That's repulsive. Don't make me vomit Louis." I hit Harry with the pillow again.

"Stacy and Harry sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Louis' annoying voice rings through my apartment. I literally growl at him, like literally.

"You're so annoying! Kill yourself." I groan, sitting in between Niall and Liam. Niall hugs me with a smile.

"Don't touch my buttercup you assholes." He cradles me, I laugh a big grin on my lips.

"I'm bored." Louis announces.

"No one cares." I scroll through my Twitter feed, my phone continued to blow up ever since Harry's tweet. So I decided to tweet him back.

@stacymalik: @Harry_Styles if you don't like me get out of my house.

And I posted a pic of Harry and his big feet that were on my coffee table. Gross.

"You disgust me." Harry scrunches his nose up.

"Then leave, the door's right there." I blink, then turn back to my phone and play minecraft.

"Minecraft are you serious?" I shrug my shoulders at the annoying children.

"I don't have to defend Minecraft to you, therefore, if you don't like it then get the hell out." I point at the door. "And get your smelly feet off my coffee table you imbecile." I kick Harry's hairy legs and his feet fall with a thump. Disgusting.

Niallwhorean has joined your world.

"Niall can stay." I laugh as he follows me into my house. Or as I call my Minecraft Mansion, it had bookshelves and paintings and so many rooms. Hella if I say so myself.

Hazza has joined your world.

"I guess banana nose can too." I walk up to Harry's character and hit him with my diamond sword.

"Hey! Don't kill me hoe!" He hits me back but I kill him. "You're so annoying." He pouts as he respawns somewhere and I take all his crap. Including his golden armor. "Stacy you better give me my armor back."

"Hell no."

"Stacyyy." He shakes his legs like a child and groans.

LiLiP has joined your world.

"Liam! Yay!" I laugh.

Tommo has joined your world.
Zayn has joined your world.

"You're name is boring Zayn." Louis takes his phone and changes it.

"Why're you so perverted?" I look at Zayn's character. That has 'tinypepe' as his username.

"Gross! Lou change it!" Niall yells. Zayn's name is eventually changed to DjZ, after much arguing, they are boys after all. Immaturity shows.

That night we sat and played minecraft till two am in the morning. It was a lot of fun even with those losers.


I'm really sorry I haven't updated and this chapter is shit but school is kicking my ass! I'm sorry again vote comment!
Ily guys! 800 words!😂

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