"Yacker" // Rant

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So yes, we all know that Eddie calls Patricia Yacker, and only Eddie! (Not that I've actually read any fanfics where someone else calls her Yacker) Anyways...

Eddie does call Patricia 'Patricia', he doesn't always call her Yacker! I can't count the number of fanfic I've read where Eddie does utter or even think the word Patricia, it's always Yacker.

I'm not saying I have counted the times he has said Patricia and Yacker, because I haven't. He does say Yacker more, I think, but he does call her Patricia too.

The one time that he referred to her as Yacker when it wasn't to her face, was in S3 when Eddie, Fabian and KT were locked in the Crypt. So you can include him talking about her like this too other people, but not so often, and not like; "Let's go get Amber, Fabian, Yacker and Alfie"

Also on this topic, Patricia calls Eddie 'Eddie' more than she calls him Weasel or Slimeball.

It is cute when he calls her Yacker, but please, please, please not 24/7

Anyways... I could go on, but won't... Byeee XD

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