Would You Rather #1

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Would you rather live one life that lasts 1000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?
Probably the second one, live 10 lives that last 100 years each, as I get to experience other types of life... If that make sense.

Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made from sandpaper?
Toilet paper made from sandpaper, as the other one would blind me.

Would you rather be without elbows or be without knees?
Knees, I use my hands and arms way too much. I can live with sitting down my whole life, I practically do it anyway.

Would you rather experience a sharp pain in your side each time someone says your name or have a bell sound each time you are aroused.
Second one. People say my name too much.

Would you rather have a large 10 inch long belly button that swayed to music or have accordions for legs?
Accordions for legs! That would be so cool!

Would you rather have to sneeze but not be able to or have something stuck in your eye for an entire year?
Something stuck in my eye, I cannot stand not being able to sneeze when I want to.

Would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon?
Have a dragon, I could name him Midnight (I like that name, shut up) I would ride him around, and make him scare off people I dislike!

Would you rather secretly have sex with a goat or have everyone think you had sex with a goat even though you didn't?
Have everyone think I did, people can think whatever they want about me, catch me caring!

Would you rather have hair nowhere on your body or be very hairy all over and not be able to shave?
Have hair nowhere, as I would just where a wig, and for my eyebrows I can draw them on.

Would you rather never be able to speak again or always have to say everything that is on your mind?
Hmm... Hard one, I enjoy speaking, and constantly do it, when around people and when alone. But I wouldn't want to speak my mind constantly as a lot of strange stuff goes on in my head. So I'd have to go for never speak again... I think.

Comment what you would choose, and feel free to use this, I only found it on the Internet XD

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