Storyline Focuses // Rant

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So, there are an unbelievable amount of Anubis fanfics on Wattpad that only focus on the mystery. Sorry, Pal, but other stuff happens too. Almost everything ties into the mystery in one way or another, but it isn't always 100% Sibuna mystery focused.

Couples... That's a big storyline focus thing. Yes, I get it, most people in this fandom ship Fabina, but you don't need to base every little thing around Fabina.

There have been a fair few 'Main couple: Fabina' fanfics that I've read that are like, 'Fabina are going on a date.' Then the story dedicates a whole chapter or more to the Fabina date, explaining it in much detail, blah, blah, blah. But then, the story says, 'Peddie are going on a date.' Then, a chapter later, 'Peddie are back from their date.' EXCUSE ME, WHAT!? BUT BEING A HUGE PEDDIE SHIPPER, I WANNA SEE THE PEDDIE DATE!! NOT JUST HEAR OF THE START AND END OF IT!! GIVE ME MY PEDDIE!!

Obviously, I understand that the story may be a Fabina fic, but most aren't; they're season 4's.

There is usually only one other couple mentioned, and that's Mabian. But, as soon as Mabina break up, and Fabina are immediately back on after; Mara's never seen or heard of again.

Please, share the storyline out in good ratios of both mystery/other storyline and couples. Ps. A 'good ratio' doesn't mean half and half, I would expect more mystery. A good ratio just means let other characters be involved, because unless the characters are in Sibuna, then they're never mentioned.

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