My Thoughts on a Season 4

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I want House of Anubis to make a season 4, like really badly, but I am just scared that if they do then they will f*ck Peddie up beyond repair. I know that most of the Wattpad season 4's that are being written, mess with Peddie, but most of them have gotten them back together, and I'm assuming that others will.

I would be over the bloody moon if they decided to make one. I mean I know they probably won't (I'm not sure what is going on with all this BBC buying it, or whatever) But I have a message for you if you do (I know that the writers or whatever will never see this, but I'm writing it anyway) 

Dear House of Anubis Writers, or Storyline creator, or whoever decides what happens (Most probably the writers),

Please leave Peddie alone if you decide to make a season 4! I don't really mind if you break them up, as that happened in season 3. You are stretching it if you make one of them kiss someone else, but I might, just might, be able to cope with that. Please don't make either one of them date someone else, it's just weird and puts Peddie into an awkward state. The only way I would accept the dating someone else thing, is if it's to make the other person jealous, like when Patricia went on a date with Jerome. If you do decide to break Peddie up, then please make sure that they are together longer than they are apart or around equal lengths. Here, though, is the most important thing, make sure that they are together at the end of the season, because usually at the end of seasons, everyone is in their pairs, meaning Peddie should be together! I don't really mind what you do to the other couples to be honest, maybe keep Walfie together as they are cute. Jeroy are cute too, so if you do decide to break them up, at least make them stay friends. Don't really mind too much about Mabian to be honest, so do what ever you want with them. Thanks for reading... If you could actually be bothered to read all of that.

Ruin Peddie beyond repair and die! Have a nice day now, from Izzy!

Honestly don't know why I just wrote all of that. There won't be a season 4, and if there is, then they won't read this...

Anyway... Bye.

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