Questions Tag Thingy

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Stolen from SpunkyMalone111

Dream on... Even though everyone who doesn't personally know me, won't know him

Middle name?
Katie. Ugh. Absolutely hate it! No offence to any Katie's out there

Shoe size?
6 most of the time, if shoes behave

Eye colour?
Greeny grey

Last time you cried?
Watching Finding Dory... Don't judge me!

Biggest fear?
Planes or the Unknown

Last song you listened to?
Love Like Woa by The Ready Set. Or my friend sing I hate you I love you by GNash

Last person you texted?
...Myself... Well that's fucking sad, but I do have context for you. I don't understand airdropping at all of that, so the way I get photos from my iPad to phone is over text. Magic *Waves wand with a 'fascination' look on my face*

Yes, Le Bon Bon is me, that's kinda what I call myself sometimes

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Yes, Le Bon Bon is me, that's kinda what I call myself sometimes...

Relationship Status?
Forever singleeeeee

Fav sports team?
What is sport?

Fav colour?

Best friend?
Flannel_Shirts21 emilyhemsworth and some non Wattpading people

Fav celebrity?
Don't really have one, I just like a bunch 'o celebrities

Any scars?
*Checks left arms, because apparently that's my only limb now* Nope! I have many bruises tho, I don't quite know what eyes are or how to use them...

Kissed anyone?
Hahahaha, nice joke

Someone you hate?
A nameless person who I had to work with in Media Studies, and many many many teachers.

Ever done drugs?

Idk... Tall

Are you currently happy?
Yes Captain, I am

Do you drink?
Only at parties and I very rarely go to parties

Last thing you brought?
3 meal deals and popcorn

Last thing you ate?
Raspberries, and I am still eating them

Day or night?
Night! 🌙

Fav lyric?
Meh... Idk... "God save the Queen"

Do you give second chances?
Usually, but if what the person did was beyond bad, then no, fuck a donkey bitch while I throw you into the Grand Canyon! (Actually had to look up spelling of Canyon...)

Pet Peeve?
Chewing with mouth open/Chewing gum horribly

Random fact?

Oh... About me... Well then... I recently found out that 3+3=6

Joking obviously, I just can't really think of a fact...

Current mood?
Happy, hungry (Feed me!) and bored

Last book I read?
Reading... Cursed Child... I'm so slow

Jealous type?
... Um... Yes... Maybe

3rd February

Pedddddiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee! (And HOA)

Fav song?
I like loads of songs, but don't have a favourite

Worst mistake?
What I was going to say would be very very rude and cruel... So I won't

Someone I trust?
Friends!... Some of them anyway

Do you believe in love?
Gurlllll! Patricia, Eddie. I witness it!

All honesty though, yes, I do.

Are you okay?
I am swell!

Flannel_Shirts21 ..... This all sounds way too much like our Truth thing yesterday...

Anyway... Byeeeeeeee

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