Nina comes back // Rant

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I'm not going to go through all the 'Fabina immediately back on' thing. Read my Fabina rant for that.

Right. So there are multiply things that annoy me about Nina's arrival back at the house... So let's get ranting.

So, when Nina gets back one of the most common things to be said it something along the lines of, 'What's the real reason you didn't come back last year?'-Says a Anubis House member (Usually a Sibuna) or, 'The real reason that I didn't come back last year was...'-Says Nina.

I'm sorry, WHAT?! Are you telling me that the whole Chosen One staying away from the Osirian thing is fake..?

Then, the 'real' reason is usually, 'My Gran died.' WHAT HAS GRANNY MARTIN EVER DONE TO YOU?! STOP KILLING HER!! Especially if it's for an excuse... Which, may I add, you already have a story for... A legitimate story...

Another thing about Nina's re-arrival is it being a secret. Now this I kinda get, she didn't return last year, so it's all a big 'Yay, Nina's back moment'. But what I don't get is why Patricia is always the one who sees Nina first, then decides on surprising the others and it usually goes something along the lines of...

P- I have a surprise for you all.
Random house member- What is it?
P- *Steps to the side to reveal Nina*
Everyone- *Runs over to Nina screaming her name (Even KT, who doesn't know her...)*

Okay... Moving on to the next and final thing on the agenda- TOR hasn't happened. So there are a few stories out there that have pretended like The Touchstone of Ra never happened. (Can I just quickly state that I hate it when people do this... Get over it; TOR happened!) Anyways, Nina returns... Like EVERY SINGLE ANUBIS FANFICTION, anyway, we've already established that TOR didn't happen, so why's Nina returning...? She isn't allowed by Eddie, who is still the Osirian, as TOR apparently never happened, meaning that he didn't lose his powers. And don't even start with that bullshit about 'That's not the real reason Nina left, the really reason was the poor Evelyn was brutally killed off'.

Wow... This rant contains a lot of love for Evelyn Martin...

And may I quickly add, yes, if you want to then kill off Evelyn, but please don't use it as the 'Nina didn't return' excuse.

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