My contact names...

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Since I mentioned my bizarre contact names in the last chapter, I though I share some more... Because I'm bored...

1. My Gran... It's a inside joke...

 It's a inside joke

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2. Guy I hate

 Guy I hate

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3. HouseOfCorbiere I'm called 'Izzy The Mighty Poop' in her phone... And no, she isn't actually called Bob, but that's what I call her, either that or Scab... Long story...

 Long story

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4.  My friend... Inside joke...

 Inside joke

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5.  My Grandad, he says that quote way too much.

  My Grandad, he says that quote way too much

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6. Friend, she says Innit too much.

 Friend, she says Innit too much

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7. Guy who was mean about my Bae.

 Guy who was mean about my Bae

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8. Friend, she chose the name.

I have more, many more, but I'm a little bored of having to colour over the numbers

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I have more, many more, but I'm a little bored of having to colour over the numbers...

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