Challengeeeee Thingyyyy

40 6 47

Tagged by Taya_Mendes

Your current relationship. If single, discuss being single.
My relationship with myself is great, thank you.

Where you'd like to be in 10 years.
Directing a movie/tv show, or editing/filming a movie/tv show.

Your top 5 pet peeves.
Chewing with mouth open
I'm sure there's other stuff, but my mind isn't co-operating atm.

Your views on religion.
I'm not really religious, but I believe in God.

Favourite comfort foods and why.
Breadsticks... Because breadsticks!

Zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Aquarius. Yes, it's actually scary how accurate it is.

Favourite childhood toys.
My Teddy called Teddy (Don't worry, Taya, I'm bad at names too.)

Moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Honestly have no idea...

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Your guilty pleasure.
I don't know...Wow my mind is fried today...

iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs.
Troye Sivan- Youth
Electric Light Orchestra- Mr. Blue Sky
Emma Blackery- Sucks to be You
James Morrison- Broken Strings
The Ready Set- Love Like Woa
Twenty One Pilots- Heathens
Draughty- Undefeated
Little Mix- Secret Love Song
The Killers- Mr. Brightside
All Time Low- Love Like War

Bullet your whole day.
• 6:40- Get out of bed and get dressed
• 6:55- Leave for Paper round
• 7:20- Return from paper round
• 8:05- Leave for school
• 8:30- Arrive at school
• 8:40- Go to Science
• 9:40- Go to Maths
• 10:40- Go to Break
• 10:55- Go to History
• 11:55- Go to English
• 12:55- Go to Lunch
• 13:25- Go to Hospitality
• 14:25- Go to Assembly
• 14:45- Leave school and head to Grandparents house
• 15:30- Start a game of chess with my Gran
• 16:20- Win game of chess
• 16:30- Start writing this chapter

Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.
New York. I wanna be there right now, in ComicCon, Burkely is there!!!

Your earliest memory.
Holiday in Croatia with my family.

Write 15 interesting facts about yourself.
• I have 10 toes
• I have 8 fingers
• I have 2 thumbs
• I have 2 legs
• I have 2 arms
• I have 2 eyes
• I have 2 ears
• I have 1 mouth
• I have 28 teeth
• I have 1 head

Your views on mainstream music.

Your highs and lows of the year.
• Started Wattpad and made some great friends over it.
• Holidays.
• Amazing Sleepovers and marathons with friends.
• Spending time with my uncle and his partner.
• Disneyland.
• Friendship distributes.
• School.

A book you could read over and over again and never get get sick of.
Paper Towns.

Your biggest regret in life.
Whiteboard pen!!!!

Basically, me and HouseOfCorbiere both got whiteboards when we were young, and we were both waiting around for our dad to bring home whiteboard pens, but what I didn't realise at the time was that there was a whiteboard pen downstairs, I could have used that and made Lizzie jealous that I had a pen and she didn't!!!

How important you think education is.
Much more important now that I'm in year 11.

One of your favourite TV shows.
Peppa Pig, without a shadow of a doubt.

How have you changed the past 2 years?
I'm now very very independent.

Post 5 pictures of famous people you find attractive.
Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth

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Tom Felton

Internet has decided to fuck up

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Internet has decided to fuck up...

Your favourite movie and what it is about.
Harry Potter. Please tell me you know what Harry Potter is about.
Or, I've been really into Pitch Perfect recently. You must know what pitch perfect is about. If not- Acapella groups, stars Anna Kendrick, Beca and Jesse are cute, is good, go watch!!

Someone who fascinates you and why.
I have no idea...

If you had $1,000,000 how would you spend it?
Well, first things first, I would convert it to pounds. Them I'd buy; Camera equipment, Lighting stuff, filming and editing stuff, greenscreen room, hire cool sets, and I'd hire actors and actresses.

A problem you have or have had in the past.
I'm a little too addicted to this TV show... Don't know if you've heard of it...

... Charlie and Lola.

Something that you miss.
My dignity.

10 people dead or alive you'd invite to a dinner party.
• Mr. Daniel James Howell
• Mr. Philip Michael Lester
• Miss Elizabeth Dwyer
• Mr. Joel Batty (Yes, I know his and Lizzie's surnames. I feel bad using them...)
• Miss Jade Ramsey
• Mr. Burkely Duffield
• Mr. Alex Sawyer
• Miss Louisa Connolly Burnham
• Miss Klariza Clayton
• Mr. David Tennant (Mainly so I can brag to my mum, who loves him.)

Your goals for the next 30 days.
Stay alive.

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