Chapter 12

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Alex's POV
I woke up the next morning and looked at the clock, it read 1:00 p.m. and I sighed. Then I realized I was in the pack house, In Grayson's room. I got up and walked down stairs. Sandy was in the kitchen making cookies. "Where's Grayson?" I asked "in his office he said he didn't want to wake you but that when you woke up to go to his office." She said "thanks" I said and walked back up stairs and went into his office.

He was sitting in his chair with someone sitting in front of him Jason was standing behind him and there was two warriors (Mark and Jasper) standing the door "afternoon Luna" they said "afternoon" I said and walked over to Grayson. "Hey" he said "hey what did you need?" I asked. "Sit down" he said and gestured to the chair next to him. I sat down and he started talking. "Okay what do you think, should we let Jeff join the pack?" he asked and looked at me "Umm, wasn't he there with the man that took me?" I said "yes I was, his name was Scott" Jeff said "but he did keep Scott from killing Jace" Grayson said "Okay he can join" I said "okay we will hold the ceremony at six. yall can leave " he said after everyone left Sandy called "cookies are done if you want some" me, Grayson and Jeff got up and walked down stairs.

We ate some cookies and I headed home to get a shower, change and get my phone and since Grayson won't let me go anywhere away from him by myself I was being followed by Jasper. I got to my house and Jasper insisted that he go in first. After he made sure everything was okay I walked in and went up to my room. My mom was visiting her parents (Tracy is with her) for the weekend and my dad was training. I got in the shower which felt amazing. I got out, changed into a pair of jeans and a gray shirt, put up my hair, and grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket then walked back down stairs to see Jasper standing by the door. "Ready to go Luna?" He asked "yeah hold on, let me get something else to eat. "Okay" he said "you can sit down" I said gesturing to the couch as I continued making my sandwich "no thanks Luna, standing is just fine" he said "whatever" I mumbled under my breath. I started eating my sandwich. "it's time to go" Jasper said "why?" I asked "I don't know Alpha Grayson said he wanted you back" he said "okay" I replied and followed him out the door and back to the pack house. Once we got back to the pack house I went up to Grayson's office, I didn't bother knocking and just walked in. He was sitting at his desk on the phone I sat down on the couch that was in the corner, waiting for him to finish after about 10 minutes he hung up the phone "what did you need" I asked "oh nothing I just wanted you back here where I can watch you" he said "okay just cause I was kidnapped once doesn't mean you gotta get all protective" I said "yes it does" he said with a growl. "Don't growl at me" I snapped back. "Well" he said "we're not going back to school" "why?" I asked "I'm not letting you away from me" he said "but, it's just school not like anything's going to happen" I replied "well it might, I want you where I know you're safe" he growled again his eyes turning black "whatever" I growled and walked out. what is he thinking I thought, we need to go to school and I can protect myself but I was just surprised before. I walked downstairs out the back door and towards the woods once in the woods I walked behind a tree to undress and shift. I shifted giving scarlett control bout dang time Scarlett said well you haven't talked to me since well I don't know when and if you would have asked I would have went for a run and gave you control I said well, and you didn't have to snap at mate she said yes I did he's treating me like a little kid, like I can't protect myself I said to her. well you are the one that let us get kidnapped in the first place she said with a growl. I growled and started running then I heard the pounding of paws behind me I turned around to see Grayson behind me I growled and pushed Scarlett faster. I heard Grayson growl. Mate wants us to stop Scarlett said and stopped Scarlett go I said trying to get control back. Just then Grayson jumped on me. Scarlett gave me control back and I growled. I heard Lakota's voice in my head don't run away again he said with a growl Lakota let me talk to Grayson I said. Lakota's eyes lighted up until I saw Grayson blue eyes starring back at me. Your coming back with me Grayson said no, I will only come back if you stop being a butt. I said he had gotten off me and we were now starring at each other. Okay he said and turned heading back towards the pack house. Okay I said following him. But we are not going to school anymore he said and took off running.

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