Chapter 16

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Alex's POV
I woke up with Grayson's arms around me, I looked at the clock and it read 12:00. I tried to get but he just tightened his grip. "Grayson" I said shaking him, he grumbled something and rolled over pulling me on top of him. "Grayson let me go" I complained "I have to pee." He let me go immediately after i said that. I fell of the bed, flat on my butt. I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. After doing my business. I walked out to see Grayson sitting on his bed dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a dark green shirt. "I have to go home and change" I said "okay, I'll take you" he said standing up. "Okay" I replied and followed him out of his room and down stairs. "Good afternoon Alpha, Luna" several people said nodding their heads in respect, "afternoon" we said back and walked outside. "Let's shift" Grayson suggested. "Okay" I said walking behind a tree. I undressed and shifted. Yay bout damn time you let me out Scarlett said. I walked out from behind the tree to see Grayson standing there waiting for me.

He jumped on me and I fell on my back and looked up at him, his eyes black. Let me have control Scarlett said okay I said but don't mate him I growled at her okay she grumbled. I gave her control.

Scarlett's POV (thought I try something different)
Once Alex gave me control, I licked Lakota's face. Which distracted him enough, so I could get out from under him. I ran towards the woods. Lakota growled and followed me. I ran around the trees and jumped over fallen logs trying to throw him off my scent. I stopped when I didn't here the pounding of paws behind me. Just then I was knocked over by Lakota. He bit my ear and I licked his face again. After we chased each other around for a while Alex wanted control back.

Alex's POV
After I got control back. We shifted and got dressed. Then headed to my house. I got a shower and got dressed. When I walked back down stairs Grayson was sitting on the couch taking to my mom. "Ready to go?" I asked "yes" he said standing up. "where are you going" my mom asked "Grayson is taking me shopping. I'm moving I with him" I said "okay" she said as my dad walked down stairs "you better not hurt my daughter" my dad said with a growl. "WAS THAT A THREAT JASON?!" Grayson growled and stepped towards my dad. "No" I said and stepped in between them putting my hands on their chests. Grayson calmed down and my dad stepped back. "Just don't hurt her" my dad said (without the growl) "I won't" Grayson said "okay" my dad replied and walked back up stairs. "Have fun" mom said and waved bye to us as we walked outside. Steven (one of the trackers) was waiting for us with his truck. "I call shotgun!" I screamed and ran to towards Steven's truck. I jumped in the seat and went to pull the door closed but, Grayson caught it before it closed. He opened it and smiled at me. Then he picked me up bridal style and put me in the back seat, closed the door, jumped in the front seat, and closed his door. He chuckled and I pouted. He turned around and said "I love you Princess" I blushed and looked at him shocked. He has never said that to me. What do I say? I thought well you love him don't you Scarlett said yes I replied well say it back she exclaimed "I love you too" I replied blushing again. He just smiled and turned back around. Steven got in and drove us to the mall.

I walked in and my eyes went to immediately went to the pair of converse with shadowhunter runes on them.

I walked in and my eyes went to immediately went to the pair of converse with shadowhunter runes on them

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I ran over to the window of the store and smiled. I walked in with Grayson following behind me. "Hello how can I help yall" the lady behind the counter said nodding her head in respect. "Umm.. I'm just looking" I replied "Okay, if you need any help just ask." She said with a smile. "Okay, thanks" I replied and walked over to where I seen the shoes. I looked at the price tag. It read $70 and I sighed. "How much are they?" Grayson asked. "Too much" I said and turned to walk out "wait, I'll get them for you." He said grabbing my arm "No I said you don't have to do that." I replied "I told you I was taking you shopping, which means I'm paying." He said "but yo..." I started but, he kissed me. When he broke the kiss. He said "anything for you Princess," walked over to the lady, and payed her for the shoes. "What size?" She asked "10's" I replied. "Okay" she said and walked into the back.

After a couple minutes she walked out and handed me the shoes. I said 'thank you' and she replied "No problem." We then walked out and headed to another store.

After about two hours Grayson and Steven were carrying about twenty bags each. They refused to let me carry any. "I'm hungry" Steven said. "Okay" I replied and we headed to the food court. After we ate and shopped for another thirty minutes. It was now four o'clock and I was ready to go. We walked out of the mall and the guys put my stuff in the back. Remembering what happened earlier I jumped in the front seat and locked the door. Grayson growled playfully but got in the back seat. Steven then got in and started his truck, driving us home.

When we got back Grayson and Steven carried my bags up to Grayson's room and put them on the bed. "You may leave now" Grayson said to Steven. Steven left and I started putting my clothes in the closet. After I was done I layed on the bed next to Grayson. "What are we doing about school?" I asked him "since you won't let me go." "We are going to do all our school work on the computer, the secretary will email us our work. We will also be going to the school tomorrow and get our books." He said "okay, but you only have one computer." I replied "I know" he said and got up. "Stay here, I have a suprise for you" he said then walked out of the room. I waited for about five minutes. Then he walked back in the room carrying a black gift bag that had white tissue paper sticking out of the top. "What is this?" I asked as he handed it to me. "Open it and see" he replied with a smile. I took the bag, pulled out the tissue paper, then pulled out a box that was wrapped in blue wrapping paper. I unwrapped it to reveal a black laptop. "You bought me a laptop" I said glaring at him. "What's wrong? Don't you like it?" He asked "I love it. But, you've been spending money on me all day." I said "well your my mate and you deserve what ever you want." He said and kissed my nose. I blushed and he smiled. "Keep looking there's more." He said and pointed to the bag. I reached in and pulled out a blue laptop case, a charger, and two pairs of earbuds. "Thank you" I said and hugged him. "But I didn't get you anything." I said with a frown. "It's okay" he replied. "All I need is for you to be safe and happy."

I spent the rest of the night learning how to use my laptop with Grayson watching me.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ yay two chapters in one day, that's a first for me. But, the only reason I don't have a schedule for my updates like some people is because I only get wifi sometimes and I need it to publish a chapter. But, anyway

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