Chapter 6

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Grayson's POV
Noooo! I screamed and ran towards where I heard the howl. It lead me to Beta Jason. Him and a couple of the warriors were standing over a body with their heads down and the pack doctor was kneeling down and checking the pulse on the person on the ground. I walked up to them and saw my dad. "I'm sorry Grayson" "he's gone" said Samantha. Mark one of the warriors looked at the another's and they all bowed their heads. I knew that he made me Alpha. I wanted to cry but I knew it would make me look weak in front of my pack so I didn't. "We will hold a funeral later today" I said to Jason and the warriors "Yes Alpha" they replied all at once. All the rogues had been killed and all the warriors were getting rid of them. As I walked passed, some of them said 'sorry' and others just bowed their heads.

Yall can come out of the safe room now I mind linked my mom. When I didn't get an answer I walked down there and opened the door, all the adults walked out with their heads down but the children just ran out. They didn't know what had happened and they won't until tonight. But when I didn't see my mom I got worried. Then I saw her, she was in the corner crying. "Mom" I said as I went to consul her. "H...e.. he...s" She said "yes mom I know but you have to be strong." I said to her "I will try" She said while walking away. Make sure she gets to her room safely I said to Alex's mom through the mindlink. Then I realized that I hadn't seen Alex. Alex were are you. I mind linked her I'm okay I'm in the pack house living room. Okay I replied and headed to the living room. When she saw me she got up and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry." She said "it's okay there was nothing you could have done" I said while hugging her back "it's my fault, I should have smelled the rogues." I said "No its not Grayson." She said "YES IT IS I SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION!" I yelled. She flinched and everybody in the room got quiet. So I just turned around and walked up to my room.

Alex's POV
"Luna are you okay?" A women asked "yes I'm okay but I'm not the Luna" I said giving her a confused look. "Oh you don't know, do you?" She said "No I guess I dont" I replied "Grayson is your mate?" She asked "yeah" I replied "well, Grayson is now Alpha and since you are Grayson's mate you are the Luna." She said "oh okay and thanks" I said and started walking up the stairs to Grayson's room "your welcome" I heard her say as I was walking. When I finally found his room I went to open the door but before I could I heard a bang and glass shattering. So I knocked "go away!" Said Grayson "Grayson it's me, let me in" I said. I heard something being scooted across the floor, then he said 'come in.' I opened the door, walked in and looked around. There was two broken pictures,  his dresser and desk was out of its place,and a broken mirror (that must have been the bang and glass shattering I heard). He was sitting on the bed with his back towards me. "Grayson are you okay?" I asked "No, Alex I'm not. I shouldn't have yelled at you." He said "all this" he said gesturing to the broken mirror and pictures "was my wolf he got so mad at me for yelling at you that he lost it." "It's okay, just don't break anything else. Let your wolf go crazy somewhere else but, not in here you have all the people in the pack house worried. If you need to let your wolf out go into to the woods." I said "Okay" he replied. He had gotten off the bed and was now facing me. Before I could say anything else his lips were pressed to mine. I was shocked at first then I started to kiss back. "Can I mark you?" He asked breaking our kiss.

Grayson's POV
"Can I mark you?" I asked hoping she would say yes. If I mark her then I know she's safe. I looked at her waiting for an answer "yes" She said softly "are you sure" I asked her "yes" She replied "Okay" I said as I let my canines extend. I moved her long brown hair away from her neck. As I bit down she flinched from the pain but the pain suddenly stopped as I licked were I bit. After she marked me she sat there admiring it. It will be swollen for a little while until it heals. The mark is a crescent moon woth a howling wolf (which is the symbol of the Silver Blood pack and since we're Alpha and Luna we have the mark of our pack) with our initials. Alpha are you going to be attending the funeral? My beta Jason asked through the mindlink no, my wolf is on edge and I don't want him freaking out I lied I was the one I edge I still blamed myself for my father's death. Okay he replied and I cut off the link.

After the funeral I figured I would need to hold a meeting. almost everyone knows that I'm the Alpha now. But, not very many people know Alex is the Luna. After we cleaned up the glass. We just layed on my bed and talked."Alex?" I said "yeah" She replied while looking at me. "There is a meeting in about twenty minutes to introduce you as Luna." I told her "Okay what do I need to wear." She asked "I don't know I will have my mom come and help you find something to wear." I said while getting up "Okay" She said. I walked out of my room and mind linked my mom Alex doesn't know what to wear to the ceremony/meeting will you help her. Okay she replied and I went to my office (that was my dad's before) to do some paperwork.

Alex's POV
I waited in Grayson's room for his mom. About five minutes later she came in. "Hello Luna." She said "you don't have to call me Luna. Just call me Alex." I said "Well okay Alex you can just call me Sandy." She said "Okay" I replied "Now what do I have to wear to this ceremony meeting thing." I asked. She just laughed and said "every Luna has to wear a white dress and no shoes during the ceremony of becoming Luna." "Ugh I was afraid you were going to say that. I hate wearing dresses." I said she just laughed again, handed me a white dress and pushed me toward the bathroom. I put on the dress which went down a little past my knees and I straightened my hair. After I was done I walked our to see Sandy sitting on Grayson's bed waiting for me. "Oh my goddess you look so beautiful." She said as I walked out of the bathroom "yeah sure." I said "you are beautiful." She said "and Grayson would agree with me." When she said that I blushed.

Sandy's POV (Grayson's mom)
Alex blushed when I said Grayson would agree with me. Mom it is about time for the ceremony. Grayson said through the mindlink okay I replied me and Alex will be down in a sec I told him okay he replied. "Alex the ceremony is about to start. We need to go." I said "Okay" She replied. We got up, walked down stairs, and walked out of the pack house. We headed towards the meeting area, which is were the ceremony is being held. "You'll do great." I told just as Grayson walked on stage.

Alex's POV
After Sandy said I would do great I wasn't so sure, I have never liked public speaking. but, I listened to Grayson speak while waiting for my turn to come on stage.

Grayson's POV
I walked up one the stage and raised my hand to quiet everyone after everyone got quiet I started speaking "Hello everyone I know yall are still upset about the death of my father, Alpha Tyler but I promise we will get through this together. I know most of yall already know but I am your new Alpha" Their were many claps. I raised my hand again to quiet everyone and started speaking again "I am going to keep Jason Morgan as my Beta but I am looking for someone to be my Delta (third in command)" some people raised their hands but almost everyone yelled Mark. "Mark please come up here." I said as he walked up the stairs and onto the stage everyone clapped and yelled. After I silenced them I asked Mark "do you want to be Delta?" I know you are my best warrior but even if you become Delta you will still be working with the warriors you will just be their leader." I said. Mark thought for a moment and said "yes I will be your Delta." There were several claps "Okay" I said "you are now Delta." The clapping continued as he was walking back to his seat. I silenced everyone (again) and started speaking. "Okay now that we have that figured out I would like to introduce your new Luna and my mate Alex Morgan."

Alex's POV
Once Grayson said my name I started walking up the stairs, when I got on the stage I walked over to Grayson and stood in front of him you look beautiful he said through our mindlink I blushed and said thanks you don't look to bad yourself he was wearing a black suit and a dark blue tie. He smirked but didn't reply. "Hello everyone, I'm not that good at public speaking but here I go. I Alex Morgan promise to try my best to be the best Luna I can and to protect my pack, I am not just your Luna I am your friend I will try to help you through your problems." When I was finished speaking I looked at Grayson. "Alex Morgan I Grayson MaKale Alpha of the Silver Blood pack now announce you Luna." Everyone stood up and clapped. I was now Luna of the Silver Blood pack.

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