Chapter 13

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Alex's POV
(She carried her clothes back with her) I shifted and got dressed behind a tree when me and Grayson got back to the pack house. I walked in, sat on the couch and Grayson sat next to me. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked "maybe" I said and turned away. He grabbed my face and turned it towards him I was now looking into his eyes. Before I could complain he kissed me and I kissed back. Stupid self I thought im supposed to be mad at him. I tried to pull away but, he pulled me closer. I was now sitting on his lap. Just then someone cleared their throat. We moved apart and I looked up to see Seara and Jace. I blushed and looked down. "Well I didn't expect to see that." Seara said with a smile. "And why didn't you tell me you got kidnapped?" She exclaimed "sorry" I said and looked up. "I haven't really talked to anyone but Grayson, Sandy and my dad (since my mom ain't here) since I got back." I said "Well did you not care to text me?" She asked "Well I just went and got my phone today." "and why aren't yall in school?" I asked "we didnt want to go" She said with laugh. "Why ain't yall?" She asked "Grayson said we ain't going to school anymore" I said. "Okay. Let's go to the mall." She suggested "since we didn't stay long last time." "Okay" I replied and stood up "No" Grayson said as he pulled me back down next to him. "Come on Grayson let her go." Seara said "ITS ALPHA TO YOU!" he stood up and said with a growl. Seara backed up a little and Jace growled "Do not growl at my mate" he said putting his arm around her "DO NOT GROWL BACK AT ME!" Grayson said his eyes turning black. I put me hand on his shoulder, which calmed him down. "Grayson do not growl at Seara. She respects you she doesn't have to call you Alpha to prove that." I said "and I'm going with her to the mall" I got back up to leave when Grayson said "wait" I turned and looked at him "what" I said annoyed "only if Jasper go's with you (Jasper is the second best warrior after Mark)" he said "okay" I said as me and Seara walked to the front door. Grayson must have mind linked Jasper because he was waiting outside next to a dark blue Chevy truck. "ready to go?" he asked "yes" we replied and got in the car I rode shotgun and Seara sat in the backseat. The ride to the mall was quiet and only took us about 30 minutes once we arrived me and Seara got out and headed towards the front. "Wait" Jasper said "what?" we both said annoyed "you have to wait for me I'm supposed to be watching y'all." he said "whatever" we said and continued walking "where to first" I asked Seara when we walked in.

We ended up shopping and talking for about three hours and we had like twenty bags. One good thing about being mated to an Alpha with money (and no I don't want to be with Grayson just for the money). Jasper was nowhere to be seen the whole time but I could smell him. Jasper we are ready to go I mindlinked him "behind you" he said. I turned to see him smiling "do yall think yall bought enough?" He asked "No, not really" Seara said with a smile. "Okay let's go" he said and we followed him out to the truck.

We arrived back at the pack house to see Jace and Grayson waiting at the door. When the truck stopped me and Seara got out and went to get our stuff but the boys beat us to it. "We can get that" I said but they didn't reply or stop. They carried our stuff in and up to Grayson's room. Jasper, Jace and Seara walked back down stairs leaving me and Grayson alone. I went through the clothes and grabbed mine putting them in separate bags than Seara's. "What about school?" I asked "We will talk about that Monday now aren't you gonna put your clothes away" he said "Umm yeah when I get home." I said confused "No your staying here with me." He said his eyes turning black "No Grayson I'm going home I want to see my family and sleep in my own bed I'm not ready for us to be living together or even sleeping in the same bed. Yes I slept in here that one night but that's cause I was scared. You can send some warriors to watch my house or you can come and stay in the guest room next to mine but, I'm going home with or without you" I said as I grabbed my bags "NO!" He growled and grabbed me by the arms, I was able to pull away then I put my hands on his chest pushing him back. "I'm going home" I said, I picked up the bags I dropped and walked out. "Jasper can you drive me home?" I asked as I walked in the living room. "Sure Luna" he said and grabbed his keys. I walked outside, put my stuff in the back, and got in the passenger seat Jasper started the truck and backed out of the pack house driveway it only took about 10 minutes to get to my house when we arrived and Jasper stopped the truck I got out went to the back to get my bags I mumbled a thanks to Jasper and walked in my front door to see my dad sitting on the couch. I looked at the clock and it read five thirty, only thirty minutes left til the ceremony. I walked up to my room and put by bags on my bed I grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a red shirt and got dressed I walked back down stairs after changing and sat down. "What's wrong?" My dad asked "Grayson is being to overly protective and possessive. He wants me to live with him." I said "don't you want to live with him, he is your mate after all?" He said "I'm fourteen dad I'm not ready to be living with a guy, or sleeping in the same room with one." I said "Well sleep in the guest room." He replied "he's an Alpha dad, he is going to want his mate sleeping with him." I exclaimed "well I don't know what else to say." My dad said "okay well thanks for trying to help I'm going to my room for a little bit." I said and walked up to my room. I sat on my bed, grabbed my phone and earbuds and started listening to music, when a sudden pain and heat wave hit me. "Dang it" I said then I heard a bang and footsteps coming towards my room. I looked up to see Grayson, his eyes black but, I heard Lakota's voice "MATE!" He growled. I groaned when another wave of heat and pain hit me. He ran up to me "No" I said through clenched teeth "your in heat" he growled "I don't care I'm not ready for this" I said. "But that's the only way to make the pain go away." He growled. I could feel Scarlett pushing for control, but I knew I couldn't give it to her. I just pushed her back but, with doing that and trying to over come the pain I started seeing black spots.

I woke up in a hospital bed with Grayson sleeping next to me, I sat up and looked at the clock it read seven o'clock (Grayson cancelled the ceremony when he found out Alex was in heat) "dang it" I said then I remembered what happened and I must have passed out I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up. Grayson groaned and I turned to look at him "no stay here" he said and reached out to grab my arm. "but I'm hungry" I said "okay" he said "oh and we didn't do anything... did we?" I asked "oh no I wouldn't take advantage of you. I wont do anything without your permission." he replied. I let out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. then I felt the pain hit me again (it will last for about a day) I fell back but landed on the bed. I was holding stomach when I felt strong arms around me and the pain started to lesson. "Grayson I'm still hungry." I said trying to get up again. "if you get up the pain will come back" he said "I can have someone bring us something to eat." Okay I want pizza." I said "what kind?" he asked. "pepperoni" I replied. Just then the pack doctor walked in. "Luna how are you felling?" Samantha asked "okay as long as I'm with Grayson" I said "well good your heat should end around six thirty tomorrow. With your mate being an Alpha your heat will be shorter but you will have one twice a year instead of once " she said "okay thanks." I replied she said "no problem" and turned to walk out but, Grayson stopped her. "Samantha will you tell someone to order some pizza and then bring it up here?" he asked "yes Alpha" she replied then bowed and walked out. we just layed there talking until Samantha walked in with two pizzas and two cokes. "here you go she said and handed it to Grayson. I was going to send Jasper but with the luna being in heat I didn't want to cause any problems." she said, Grayson growled and pulled me closer. I told Samantha 'thank you' and she left. I opened a box and grabbed me a slice.

I ate half my pizza (4 slices) and grayson ate all of his and two slices of mine. "okay I'm tired of being in here." I said "I want to go do something." "you are not leaving my side. there are too many unmated males in our pack" he growled "its eight o'clock I want to do something like go watch a movie" I complained "okay" he said giving in to my pouty face. We walked out of the doctors office (it's a building right next to the pack house) and then walked into the pack house no one was in the living room so we sat down. "What movie do you want to watch?" Grayson asked "Umm... how about 'The Lion King'?" I asked "anything for you Princess." He said and I clapped my has like a two year that just got a cookie. He laughed and got up to put in the movie but as soon as he did the pain got stronger (I still feel the pain when Grayson is next to me but it is bearable and the only way to make it go away is for us to mate and I'm not ready for that) I groaned and grabbed my stomach. Grayson came over and sat beside me his eyes fading from blue to black then back to blue (he was fighting his wolf) he pulled me closer to him, I leaned my head on his shoulder and the pain lessoned. "How am I supposed to put in the movie?" He asked "I don't know" I replied "but don't leave me" "I won't Princess" he said and kissed my forehead. Just then his mom walked in "how are yall doing?" She asked mainly asking me. "Good, I guess." I said "well is there anything I can do to help?" She asked "Well can you put in 'The Lion King' for us?" I asked. She said "yes" and put it in. I mumbled a 'thanks' and snuggled closer into Grayson's side. He wrapped his arm around me just as the movie started.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know the chapter was long and kind of boring. Sorry I wrote some of it on my Nana's computer and it kept deleting it but, anyway I hope yall liked the chapter.

And sorry I didn't do the ceremony.

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