Trying to have a good time

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⠀⠀I wandered over near the bench, seeing there was no space left, I wanted to leave until the owner called out to me.
⠀⠀"Hey! Won't you come over and have some of the best Oden in the galaxy, idjit?" The shop owner offered.
⠀⠀"I would...but I don't think there is anymore space. But thanks-"
⠀⠀"(Y/N)? You haven't had Chibita's oden before?!" Osomatsu said shockingly.
⠀⠀"No..I normal just eat at my apartment" I replied, wrapping my arms around my stomach showing that I'm hungry. "but I wanted to eat out tonight so yeah." I continued.
⠀⠀Karamatsu scooted over, shoving the brother to the right of him over so I had a spot. "You can sit here my Karamatsu Gi-"
⠀⠀"Shut the hell up, Shittymatsu." Ichimatsu had gotten up and smacked Karamatsu upside the head. Great.
⠀⠀"Can I get Oden for the go?" I asked.
⠀⠀"Sure!" Chibita accepted. I grabbed out some Oden and paid. I thanked him then tried to walk away.
⠀⠀"Why don't you stay the night at out house?" Choromatsu suggested.
⠀⠀Jyushimatsu gasped and ran over to me. "Please stay the night!!" He begged. I couldn't say no to that so I nodded. Jyushimatsu sat back down as I sat down behind the bench and on the ground. I didn't mind it to be honest. It was a peaceful night tonight.
⠀⠀After I quickly finished my oden, I moved a bit away from the noisy brothers to look at the sky. Fascinated by how beautiful it was tonight. I wish I was able to see this type of sky every night.
⠀⠀"Oi, (Y/N)! We're leaving!" Osomatsu called out.
⠀⠀I got back and headed towards the group. As I walked by the stand, I waved goodbye to the shop owner. Finally catching up with the brothers, I stayed in the back with Ichimatsu. Staying silent was the best option for me right now. I had nothing to talk about.
⠀⠀"So, how was work?" Ichi simply asked.
⠀⠀"Hm? Oh- well I had to work overtime. I'm still wondering why my boss hasn't fired me yet." I answered, while looking forward to know where to go.
⠀⠀"Oh..what type of work?" He questioned.
⠀⠀"Help clean up the place, hear the additional information I didn't get to hear due to sleeping in, was able to practice my violin-"
⠀⠀"You play violin?"
⠀⠀"Yeah, in the theater downtown. I guess I'm pretty good at the violin but not the best."
⠀⠀Once we made it into the house, I was the lasts one in so I had to close the door. I took off my shoes and followed the brothers. They walked upstairs into their room. They all sat down and did their own thing. They means, I sit down on the couch they have and I happened to be right next to Ichimatsu who was playing with the cat next to him. He was cute- whA T. I-I mean the cat is cute!! Yes!! That's it!!
⠀⠀Damn, just met someone who stopped me from killing myself and I'm now think he is cute. Great, fucking great. Soon, Ichimatsu was either glaring at me or glancing at me. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything as I looked at the ground immediately. He stretched his arms as he yawned and leaned back. This is so awkward! I thought to myself. Soon, I can go to sleep. Well that's the thing, with Ichimatsu's yawning, I yawned and laid on his shoulder.
⠀⠀"Goodnight..."I mumbled and soon passed out. Something must've happened because not long after, I woke up to find the brothers shouted or teasing each other. I really wasn't paying attention. As the bickering continued, I got a bit irritated. "Can you all just go to bed already...? jeez..can't you tell I'm trying to sleep?" I stated, wrapping my arms around a purple pillow and fell asleep. It was warm and cozy. I didn't want to move out of that spot. Not at all.
⠀⠀The next day came as I found out the five brothers that slept on the futon was teasing me and Ichimatsu- oh yeah, I slept on him. No wonder the pillow wrapped their arms around me! But since I wasn't much off a person to show emotion, I didn't show much anger either..I guess.
⠀⠀"Can you just shut the hell up and understand I was fucking tired as hell. Goddamn...I understand you're brothers but me and him don't have a thing." I mumbled the whole either time. I was a mess now. How am I going to survive much longer... I wondered to myself.
⠀⠀Ichimatsu slowly woke up as I slightly shifted. He opened his eyes to find me on him still. "Tch...." was the sound he made in response. I slowly moved out of grasp without trying to wake him up. In the end, I failed to move out of his grasp as he pulled me in tighter. I dealt with it for the most part. At least he was a cozymatsu and not the darkmatsu he normally is when he sleeps. That seems pretty adoraB L- impressive.
⠀⠀Once he woke up and his grasp loosened, I woke up again and slowly sat up. Rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms and back before I sat up. The brothers were still making comments and such. Heard something along the lines of :"this is being posted on my blog!". Great. These brothers are truly something else.
hello sorry if this "shorter" than expected. I really didn't have much inspiration unfortunately but I can't wait to write more!

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