[insert chapter title bc i cant figure them out]

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⠀⠀After playing a couple of songs for them, they offered for me to stay the night. And since I had my phone with me, I can set an alarm so I can wake up on time and eat breakfast and head to work. On second thought- why am I doing this?! I'm risking my job after all! But if anything...I couldn't resist to say no. I could never say no unless I'm super into getting something done or doing something.
⠀⠀They got their robes on and they grabbed their shampoo- wait are they going to the bathhouse?
⠀⠀"Hey (Y/N)-chan, would you like to come to the bathhouse with us~?" Todomatsu asked. Now am I willing to bath with six men? Well I could use a bath so why not.
⠀⠀I nodded in return and stood up. "Um, what am I going to do about washing my hair and all that stuff?" I questioned since I obvious didn't have anything to clean myself with.
⠀⠀"You can borrow my-" Karamatsu started to speak but was interrupted.
⠀⠀"They have stuff there for you to use." Choromatsu answered.
⠀⠀"Okay then." Then we were off.
⠀⠀-small timeskip lmao-
⠀⠀So in summary of what happened, I had to be careful in what I did so I wouldn't reVEAl anything. Then we got washed and then we relaxed and Jyushimatsu swam around really fast. Now we're headed home.
⠀⠀With my hair in a bun, it was easier to keep my clothes from getting wet. I stood in the back next to Ichimatsu. He just barely looks like he has something on his mind but I'm not sure if I'm correct.
⠀⠀"Hey (Y/N), what happened to your arm?" He asked me. It felt like my heart dropped but then I remembered my excuse.
⠀⠀"Oh- last night I was walking around trying to get somewhere then I tripped and scraped my arm! Yep!" Why do I seem enthusiastic about getting hurt? This doesn't seem right or like me at all.
⠀⠀"Ah...can I see it to make sure it's not infected?" Ichimatsu asked.
⠀⠀Great, all of my plans went down the drain. "N-No..I made sure it wasn't infected before....I left your house to go to the Bathhouse." This is going downhill too fast...
⠀⠀"You sure?"
⠀⠀"I'm sure."
⠀⠀"Well, that's good to hear, I guess."
⠀⠀That was a close one. We finally made it back to to the house. I grabbed out my phone and my earphones. I plugged in the earphones, put my phone on silent, set my alarm, and laid on the couch. I soon fell asleep as wanted to. Well, this won't be a peaceful sleep.
⠀⠀I found myself underwater again. I couldn't move yet I could breathe. I could see clearly instead of the blurriness. 'This couldn't be the next part of the dream...' I thought to myself as a small light appeared. It became bigger and almost blinding. I closed my eyes to avoid becoming blind. Once I opened my eyes again, I was in a white room. Standing in front of me was my family. The only member that stood out the most was my older sister. She was the only one at the time that cared about my mental state and how I felt. But...a gun appeared into her hands. She said something but I could almost make out what she said.
⠀⠀"You're a worthless child." Bang. The gun's triggered was pulled and I woke up.
⠀⠀The sudden warmth made me feel like I was safe even though tears started to form in my eyes. Then I felt the body, that held me close to them, start to rub circles in my back and tried to calm me down. I looked to see which brother it was and saw the normal bedhead I see almost every time I see him. Matsuno Ichimatsu.
⠀⠀"...why......I thought she cared....." I mumbled under my my shaky breath. Tearing at this point started flow down my face. I wanted to run and scream but at the same time I want to stay in this embrace. Then quiet sobs escaped my mouth as I covered my face.
⠀⠀"This is the most emotion I've seen you show." Ichi whispered. Have I been concealing my emotions all this time?
⠀⠀"..hm.." I hummed in response.
⠀⠀We both were quiet for awhile as my sobs were nonexistent and it was just a few tears here and there. Ichimatsu started to move, I think wanting to get up.
⠀⠀"Hey, I'm heading back upstairs. The brothers that are light sleepers probably heard me go down stairs-" I held him closer, not wanting him to leave yet. God, I'm probably now seeming like an attention who're or something along those lines.
⠀⠀"Please stay a little bit longer..it doesn't have to be long..." I begged as he shifted into a comfortable position. I couldn't wait for the day to be over but I don't want to let go either.
⠀⠀After 10 minutes went by, I heard quiet snores from the man comforting me. I gave him a small smile as he looked adorable. I grabbed my phone and quickly put the brightness down or else my eye will be melting. I checked my messages and saw one...and its from my boss and by the way is the conductor? I checked it out and saw:

⠀⠀> Work today is cancelled. I got sick and I'm not risking the chance of getting everyone sick. Enjoy the day off.

⠀⠀I wanted to say yes so I don't risk being late again but I did feel bad. So I replied with this.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Hope you feel better soon! <
Too bad you got sick :( Well, I'll definitely practice today!
⠀⠀Wowie, I don't know about the practice thing. If I'll ever leave, I'll be lucky. Sadly I've been with brothers for a few days in a row and I need to make sure my food hasn't expired yet especially my milk. Then looking at his face again made me sleepy. Do I want to risk being teased in the morning? Do I wake him up? Do I even risk waking him up? Yeah no, I'm just going to go to sleep.
⠀⠀> few hours later <
⠀⠀I woke up to the faint sound of my alarm it was as long ago from when I supposed to wake up, maybe 12-13 minutes later. So I immediately shut it off and slowly got up out of Ichimatsu's embrace, trying be a fucking ninja because, as said before, I'm not trying to wake him up. I grabbed my bag, and my phone. I bowed in front of Ichimatsu and said "Thank you for being there for me." in a quiet voice. Then I grabbed my violin and I headed towards the door. I put my shoes on the appropriate feet and then left the house.
⠀⠀I turned on some music as I put my earphones in to listen to the music. This time not the MLP music, some vocaloid music. As I walked on the sidewalk, a cat comes out from the alleyway. "If only I had some food to give to them.." I thought to myself. I placed my violin down and started to pet the small animal. But, I didn't see this cat when Ichimatsu was feeding cats. Is he a new cat? I finished petting the small calico cat and stood up. I grabbed my violin and waved to the cat goodbye. "Goodbye, I hope you get fed soon. I promise on the next day I see you, I will have food for you to eat." I said with a small smile and continued walking.
⠀⠀Once I got to the apartment building, I walked in and entered the elevator. I pressed the 4 button to go to that level. The elevator brought me to that level and I exited, walking towards my apartment, I opened the door as I set my stuff down and I shut off my music. Before I do anything for today, I texted Todomatsu that was for him to deliver to Ichimatsu.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Hey Todomatsu, can you <
tell Ichimatsu that I said thank for what he did last night? Please and thank you.

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