Sweet Music She Played

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⠀⠀"Hey, I'm going to go play for father. I'll be back before dinner time." I said as I went upstairs and grabbed my violin and put it on my back. I remembered his favorite song very clearly. Resembool's Lullaby. It was easy to play but it was his all time favorite. I put on my pair of geta is and walked out of the house. I wondered through town, looking for the graveyard. That's when I passed by a floral shop. I couldn't help but walk in.
⠀⠀"Welcome to my floral shop! What type of flowers are you looking for?"
⠀⠀"Moriyama-san?" I said as I looked at her.
⠀⠀"(Y/N)-chan? Is that really you?" She questioned. She looked shocked. I nodded.
⠀⠀"Yes it is me. I'm surprised you remember me." I said in response as I walk up to the counter where Moriyama-san was.
⠀⠀"You aren't one that people can forget. Anyways, what do you want today?"
⠀⠀"A few white lilies please."
⠀⠀"Okay then. I will be right back with those." She went to the back to fetch them. Can't she keep them up front or does she keep a whole garden back there...? She soon came back with the flowers I wanted. "That will be 530¥."
⠀⠀"Thank you." I said as I paid. I left and headed towards the graveyard that was nearby. Once I made it, I was probably on the verge of tears before being able to make it to his grave. I looked through the grave yard to finally find his grave. I placed the lilies on top of the grab before taking out my violin.
⠀⠀"I'm sorry I wasn't there but this one is for you." I stated as I put the stringed instrument on my shoulder as I grabbed the bow. Taking a deep breath in and letting it out. I started playing the song. Starting out with a  three dotted half notes to play at once. Then moving onto the quarter notes with half notes and dotted half notes. Letting the bow glide as the notes ringed out. After playing measure by measure, the song finished. I finished my time there after talking to my dad after playing my instrument, packed up my violin, and left.
⠀⠀Once I arrived at my house, I took off the geta and walked in. Only to see my family on my phone. "What are you al-"
⠀⠀"So you made your move during a slip up, (Y/N)?"
⠀⠀"What are you doing?!" I blushed as I forgot to tell her about me and Ichimatsu. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
⠀⠀"Nothing much! Just talking to your soon-to-be-husband over FaceTime." Inori said with a smirk.
⠀⠀"Can I at least talk to him?" I asked. My words basically covered of my thoughts of I hope that falls on your face. Oh yeah, Inori was laying on the ground.
⠀⠀"Hold on, let me finish up."
⠀⠀"Now." I said with a frustrated look on my face.
⠀⠀"Fine! If you say so, mom." She handed over the phone as I grabbed it. I walked up to the room I stayed in, glad that my brother wasn't in there
⠀⠀"Hey Ichimatsu." I greeted.
⠀⠀"Hey." He responded with.
⠀⠀"So how is it over there?" I asked him.
⠀⠀"How it's normally is. What about you?"
⠀⠀"Oh- why are you wearing a kimono?"
⠀⠀"My mom prefers us to wear kimonos here. She did all of our lives. This town is still in that formal life style a bit."
⠀⠀"Oh...." He said as it got quiet for a few seconds.
⠀⠀"By the way, what did you and Inori talk about?"
⠀⠀"Sorry, bad connection, got to speed." He said as he hanged up the phone call. I say there, shocked at his actions. Was it that embarrassing or was it about me? She was teasing me when I got back. Knowing Inori, she would talk about me until she dies just to tease me.
⠀⠀I stood up and headed back down. "Hey, what's for dinner?" I asked my mother.
⠀⠀"Ichijyu Sansai." She replied as she finished up making dinner and setting it up on the small table. I decided to help her out in setting up the table. Once done, we called the two siblings that dinner is ready. We each sat down at a side of the table.
⠀⠀"Thank you for the meal!" We each said in unison. That's when we started eating.
⠀⠀When everyone was done eating, I offered to help clean up but my brother was already helping. So they let me do what ever. I went upstairs and set out the futon instead. I changed into my pajamas as I was tired. I laid in the futon and immediately fell asleep.

⠀⠀I looked up to see the white room again with nobody in front of me, nobody behind me. This wasn't the same white room before as it immediately turned black then falling. Falling seemed like it took over a decade to land. But I landed in water, head first. I've shifted to where it was possible for me to look up at the sky as I sunk deeper into the ocean. It was a starry night. I reached my hands out without knowing the purpose in doing so. It was peaceful as I shut my eyes. That's when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the water. The person and I stood on top of the water. That person seemed to be..... I awoke from my slumber to see the sun shining in from the bedroom windows. I rubbed my eyes to get a clear look around the room. What was the dream about?
look who is finally updating. last night to find the song that (Y/N)-chan played I legit listened to the whole FMA/FMA:B OST to find the one I liked the most and it so happens that this is a violin solo OST.
also, three more chapters!

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