Familiar face

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A/N: im using this time I have to catch Pokemon to write this chapter so yeha
⠀⠀I stared at Ichimatsu for a quick moment before immediately snapping back into reality because of his stupid ass comment but also I realized it's been awhile seen someone called out to me, wanting me to be with them. Like I was talking to someone with them talking in a foreign language I don't understand. Then, Hearing laughing from children that are playing in the water. Glancing around to see people sunbathing and others playing in the water. That's when I realized he called my name again.
⠀⠀"(Y/N)? Tch....Don't tell me you're acting crazy all of the sudden." He walked back towards me.
⠀⠀"Hm? O-Oh. Sorry, what you said caught me off guard due to how silly it was. I coming, don't worry." I reassured but before I knew it, the boy with shaggy dark brown hair was standing in front of me. He then sighed as he crossed his arms. I quickly took off my hoodie, immediately wrapping my arms around my stomach to cover up the scars mainly but also my self confidence wasn't the best. Once ready, we both walked over to the water where the rest of his brothers were. Once my feet entered the cold water, I stood there for a few seconds then slowly walking into the water to get used to the temperature.
⠀⠀I caught up to the sextuplets, seeing they are playing with a beach ball with a few other people. I decided to join in, feeling a bit relieved even though it took awhile for someone to fINALLY PASS THE BALL TOWARDS ME. I hit it over one of the kids who's face lit up immediately when I passed the ball to them. Maybe they were also getting ignored. I thought as they passed it to Osomatsu. This game went on for a few until the owner of the ball had to leave. Next thing, Todomatsu's idea was to play Marco Polo. I decided to op out and to watch as I walked back to shore and sat at where the farthest post the water has come up, then brought my legs to my chest. Okay, I've may have scooted up a bit but hey.
⠀⠀Water splashed against my legs as I watched the brothers played. I'm surprised how Ichi was sorta getting along with the rest of his brothers, especially with Karamatsu. I laughed at them here and there at their actions. Getting distracted, I dragged my my fingers against the rocky ground. Rocks and seashells covered the sand as water covered them up also. I looked through the rocks and shells to hopefully find a shark teeth because my parents used to do that each time we visited the beach. Sadly, I didn't find any, but I found pretty seashell with a color scheme of white, pastel colors of pink, blue and purple. I stood up and carried it over to my bag and placed it into my bag, then saw my phone going off. I checked it to see it was...my sister? She wanted to meet up sometime soon...then messaged me if I was there. I responded that I was at the beach and after the beach, we can hang out at Sutabaa. I checked the time, it's noon, more specifically 1:32 PM. Did time really past that fast? I messaged her again saying 'At 2:30 PM today.' I put my phone back in my bag and went back to the water and joined the others again. I swam over to Ichi, seeing that he was alone.
⠀⠀"Guess I'm not allergic to the water after all." I stated, watch the conversation go to no where like usual.
⠀⠀"Hm.." He hummed in responses he relaxed in the water.
⠀⠀See. The conversation is stranded in the middle of no where.
⠀⠀"Well....after this I'm going to go see my sister, want to join since you've already met her." I invited. What am I doing?! I have to leave early really soon just so I can catch the train in time.
⠀⠀"Sure." He answered.
⠀⠀"Well, we could leave now, leaving us sometime to get changed before heading to Sutabaa." He nodded and started going to the shore. I followed behind him, as I shouted to Osomatsu where we are going. We got our stuff ready and left. We caught the train and rode it to our station. We got off, and walked to the Matsuno household. It was only 2:03 so we had time to get changed.
⠀⠀~ timeskip to after getting ready bc I'm lazy af rn ~
⠀⠀After we were ready, we were headed off to Sutabaa. It was quiet between us until Ichi broke the ice.
⠀⠀"Why did you ask me to come with you instead of my brothers?" He question as he brought his face mask down.
⠀⠀"I already told you! It's because you've already met her." I responded. Also, I trust him not to spill too much tea. That must be it.
⠀⠀"There must be something else because who would talk to trash like me."
⠀⠀I didn't respond, I stopped walking as Ichi looked bad and groaned.
⠀⠀"What is it now?-" I pulled him into a hug. Wrapping my arms around him tightly.
⠀⠀"You aren't trash...please stop calling yourself that. People care about you. I care about you. Please realize that." I whispered as I looked up to see a shocked expression on his face.
⠀⠀"(Y/N).." He mumbled as I pulled away, giving him a genuine smile.
⠀⠀"Now, Let's hurry." I stated as I pulled Ichi by the hand and sorta dragged him to Sutabaa.
⠀⠀Once we arrived to the front of the café, my sister arrived at the same time. I froze in place. How long has it been since I've seen her..? I've missed her so much. Before I knew it, I felt tears running down my face then immediately a body crashes into me, wrapping their arms around me.


imma change the title to "Rushing Waters" bc of how much water is mentioned in the fic to become sorta a symbolic thing ahah a but if I don't update in the next few days, immm don't have my phone! But while that's happening, leave some positive feedback and what else I should include in this? Goodbye!

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