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⠀⠀A/N: ah A HAH YALL THOUGHT THIS WAS OVER- well after the Epilouge it will be finished. but I want to thank Dip_Stick for reminding me of the idea I had before but never got to it ^^; so I hope everyone enjoys the Epilouge!
ALSO BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTION IT- thanks for 4K+ reads! I never expected to get this many reading so im quite shocked aa. Aa a! So yeah, enjoy! }
⠀⠀< normal p.o.v >
⠀⠀It's been three years for dating between (Y/N) and Ichimatsu. Going through plenty of dates set up by the other five brothers, (Y/N), and a few here and there set up by Icchimatsu all by himself ( maybe with a help of Big Bro Oso ). The other brothers were shocked seeing how happy they were together and how (Y/N) brought Ichimatsu out of his shell more than ever. Despite the few down times due to depression and such..the two stuck together and pulled each other out of the darkness. Hell, their love was like the mystery cure for their sadness.
⠀⠀The day today was April 23, 20XX. The sky had only a few clouds covering it as the sun shines from above. A small gust of wind passed by here and there. The cherry blossoms were fully bloomed by then. Well, in the Matsuno household, they were up earlier than usual. The family quickly ate breakfast and started to make a ruckus as they were helping Ichimatsu get ready for the day with his significant other. He had already ahead of time for what he was going to do.
⠀⠀"Ichimatsu, you need to care about what you should wear for today!" Choromatsu nagged as Ichimatsu was creating a fuss over how he should dress.
⠀⠀"Why the hell should I care about my clothing." Ichimatsu spat as he had his hand in his sweatpants' pockets.
⠀⠀"My Brother~ today is the day where the sun and moon align once again for you and (Y/N). Creating a beautiful-" Karamatsu's statement was interrupted with a book being thrown at his face.
⠀⠀"Karamatsu nii-san, nobody care about how their relationship is right now! We need to figure out what Ichimatsu nii-san should wear! Nothing to painful and flash though." Todomatsu stated as he put his hands on his hips. "Now, I think he should go for something that shouts 'gentleman' but is yet causal. Maybe something I wear~." The sixth suggested as he ran over to the closet to grab his outfit.
⠀⠀"Tch...like hell I'll wear something like that. I'll just go out with what I have on right now." The forth said as he rolled his eyes.
⠀⠀"Aw, c'mon Ichimatsu! You need need to look your best for today. Us brothers know the best!" Osomatsu reassured.
⠀⠀"Yeah, yeah!" Jyushimatsu agreed.
⠀⠀"Besides, What I have in stock for you is what you should defiantly wear~" Todmatsu said as he came back to group holding a short sleeved button-up shirt, khakis shorts, and a purple tie instead of a pink one.
⠀⠀"Totty, that's too much like you and not Ichipine.(*)" Osomatsu argued.
⠀⠀"Whatever.." Ichimatsu mumbled under his breath.
⠀⠀"Then give me other ideas of what Ichimatsu nii-san should wear!" Totty spat as an angered look appeared on his face.
⠀⠀"Maybe a leather jac-"
⠀⠀"That's too painful!" Osomatsu and Todomatsu shouted at the same time.
⠀⠀"I'll just wear that I guess. This situation right now is annoying." Ichimatsu stated as he grabbed the clothes.
⠀⠀"Eh-?" Osomatsu said as the five brothers watch Ichimatsu take the clothes and went to go change.
⠀⠀"I wonder how he'll do today." Choromatsu questioned, surprisingly worried about his brother.
⠀⠀The room was silent as Ichimatsu came out and had the outfit on and gift he saved his money up for in his pocket. "Now can I go? It's almost time to fucking leave." He asked in sarcastic tone. The five brother nodded and cheered him on. They followed him out of the house and stood in front of the house, watching the forth brother walk his way down to the theater (Y/N) worked at. It was almost time for the third play she worked for. Surprisingly, she got asked to play a part in the play that he helped out with due to her skills. The first and second chair rejected the position and said they would prefer to stay in the pit and produce the background music and to help create emotion. So that left with (Y/N) to take up the job. Which meant her playing a solo on stage and helping out the main character for a few scenes and she was more than happy with that.
⠀⠀Ichimatsu arrived to theater, got checked in with his ticket and sat down in the middle section. The too was full of people and how he was upset that he had to climb over a few elderly people just to get to his seat. A couple moments later, the lights dimmed to darkness and the curtains opened. The play was starting. He watched as his the one he cared about the most played gracefully on stage. How she acted kindly to the main character in aid to their adventure. It was a funny play yet action filled play.
⠀⠀Soon, it was over. People scattered out of the building to meet up with the actors and tell them 'Congratulations on how well you acted!' Ichimatsu brought a rose from up front with what money he had left and it was already night time. He stood outside looking for (Y/N). Once he spotted her, he quietly called out for her in his deep yet tired voice. She wasn't that far away so she heard him. (Y/N) looked over and saw Ichimatsu and ran towards him and hugged him.
⠀⠀"I didn't know you came!" She said as she let go of the male.
⠀⠀"It was a surprise. Now...I have something special to ask you." Ichimatsu stated.
⠀⠀"Really, what is it?" (Y/N) questioned.
⠀⠀"Uh..." He cleared his throat as he felt nervous. Thinking that she'll reject him. Thinking that she'll be disgusted in him. "W-Well, I would like to share with others...how much I love you." His voice got louder, catching the attention of people nearby. He handed the rose to (Y/N) and took a step back. "We have been together for three years now...and you've always been there for me as I've been there for you. You were the one I truly loved s-so.." He got on one knee and pulled out a small box. Revealing a ring, as proceeded with his statement.
⠀⠀"(Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?" Ichimatsu asked.
⠀⠀(Y/N) vision blurred as she began to cry. She nodded as she was surprised with what Ichimasu presented. "Yes, yes I will." She answered. Ichimatsu out the ring on her finger as people started to clap and cheer them on. She pulled Ichimatsu into a passionate embrace and kissed him. Ichimatsu kissed back and then pulled away from the kiss.
⠀⠀"I'm glad that you accepted..." He whispered into (Y/N)'s ear.
⠀⠀"I'm glad that I get spend the rest of my life with you.." She whispered back. And thus, they lived a happy life.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the end!
⠀⠀(*) Ichipine: a reference to the Doramatsu with Osomatsu and Ichimatsu.

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