Cherry Blossom Trees

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⠀⠀I wrapped my arms around my sister. This made me remember how much I've missed her. She cupped my face, wiping away my tears. Only to see her eyes starting to water.
⠀⠀"Don't start're going to make me start crying again!" I stated with a small laugh. I turn around to see Ichimatsu distracted by a cat that came from the alleyway. "Oh- I also brought Ichi with me since he his my friend." I caught his attention once I brought up his name.
⠀⠀"Nice! I guess we all can do some catching up to do. Well, are we ready to enter?" She asked before to make sure me and my companion is ready. I nodded as Ichi gave a a thumbs up. We all walk in to see two girls at the counter ready to take our orders. We order, received what we ordered, and then sat down at the table.

⠀⠀~~~Normal POV (because it will be much easier to write this section)

⠀⠀"How was the beach?" Inori asked, hoping she had a good time.
⠀⠀"It was fun. I found a seashell that was really pretty while looking for shark teeth like how mom and dad did back then each time we went to the beach. Also, I played with a beach ball with Ichimatsu and his 5 other brothers, and a few other people. I think that's the most social I have been since I moved out."  (Y/N) replied, happier than ever. She didn't realize it though before her sister pointed it out.
⠀⠀"You're sure a talkative one today" Inori  responded with, as a thought came across her mind. Their father died awhile back due to his terrible sickness he got when the younger sister wasn't there wasn't there. Inori couldn't message her sister, afraid some bad might happen with (Y/N).
⠀⠀"Really? Maybe it's because I've had fun today and I'm feeling pretty happy." (Y/N) theorized as she took a bite of her cake.
⠀⠀"So Ichimatsu, how was your time at the beach?" Inori asked again but towards the purple hooded boy.
⠀⠀"It was fun. Like (Y/N) said, we played with a beach ball and the next game we played without her because she wanted to sit out, was Marco Polo. The third oldest out of my five brothers kept getting caught." Ichimatsu responded, taking a small sip from his beverage.
⠀⠀Inori made a sly face. "Oh, I think I know why she sat out~" (Y/N) choked on her piece of cake that she was eating. #rip(Y/N)chan2k16 , "She used to get dominated by me each time we played. Her tactic was to hide behind the person tagging people and to dodge each move. She didn't get passed me though~" The older sibling chuckled.
⠀⠀"Anyways, Inori, did you get married yet? Engaged? Children?" (Y/N) questioned, making her older sister get as red as a tomato. This is her way of revenge after Inori embarrassing her.
⠀⠀'I swear I saw devil horns on their heads and devil wings on their backs...' Ichimatsu thought even though it was exaggerated due to the sibling's quarrel.
⠀⠀"N-No! We are still boyfriend and girlfriend! What about you?" Inori fired back at her sister.
⠀⠀"E-EH?! Now you're playing dirty."
⠀⠀"You still haven't answered~ You know if you don't answer you're buying me dinner tonight."
⠀⠀"Fine, since knowing you, you're dinner when mooching off of me is like serving a huge family thanksgiving and you only eat one tenth of it. Such a waste of money. Anyways, I guess I have a crush at the same time I think we are just friends and I see us like that." (Y/N) answered finishing up her piece of cake.
⠀⠀"Who might that just be?" Ichimatsu asked, even though it's none of his business but he sided with the older sister just to play around.
⠀⠀"You're siding with her?! Anyways, it's none of your business. I'm keeping that to myself." (Y/N) huffed as she got up and stretched then sat back down.
⠀⠀After Ichimatsu finished eating and so did Inori, they decided to go to the park to relax. (Y/N) was the first one out of Sutabaa, then Inori, and lastly Ichimatsu. The younger girl went up ahead as she was reassured that the two lagging behind would be there soon.
⠀⠀"Ichimatsu." Inori said out of all seriousness despite just being in a playful mood.
⠀⠀"Huh?" Ichimatsu studdered as it was an unexpected event to occured towards him.
⠀⠀"Thanks for being there for her. My job doesn't allow me too visit her that much. Luckily she has you. She needs someone else there besides me and she has chosen you." Inori stated witha small smile. The male nodded as they reached the park, seeing (Y/N) fascinated. He smiled at her as her eyes sparkled as she stood there, staring at the cherry blossoms that just bloomed. The three of them sat under a tree.
⠀⠀The cherry blossom pedals fell down and laid down on their heads. The three kept chatting as (Y/N) got distracted once again. damn she needed sleep. beSIDES THAT POINT, She started to make flower crowns out of some cherry blossoms and the dandelions. Making three of them, she put one on each of their heads and yawned. Ichimatsu faintly blushed as he pulled up his mask and faced away from her. Inori smiled and thanked the younger one. Wondering how she could ever think that she was in a sea of darkness of grief.
⠀⠀After some time of chatting, (Y/N) finally passed out on Ichimatsu's shoulder, snoring quietly. The hooded boy poked her cheek a couple of times as she didn't react. Ichi then yawned then Inori did so also as science says yawns are contagious. He was glad that (Y/N) was happy today and not down in the gutters. He saw a side of her didn't expect to see. She seemed like someone you wouldn't believe was depressed if you saw her today in his opinion. Next thing, he felt something pushed against them, he saw Inori sleeping on her younger sister. This was peaceful as he soon fell asleep. Leaving them three napping under a tree.
⠀⠀A phone started to ring from (Y/N)'s bag, she woke up, grabbing it out, and answered the call. "Yes?..." she said sheepishly as it was followed by a yawn.
⠀⠀"Ah! (Y/N)-chan! Where are you and Ichimatsu?" Karamatsu asked.
⠀⠀"In the..park...[insert yawn noises] goodbye.." She hanged up as she put her phone away and soon fell back asleep.
⠀⠀Soon, the five brothers arrived to see three people sleeping under a cherry blossom tree as the sunset. It was nice sight to look at- until the brothers started to whisper to each other about the girl they have never seen before. "This must be her sister." Osomatsu whispered to Choromatsu.
⠀⠀Before they talk about it for too long, Todomatsu took pictures of the sleeping trio just to keep as memories and not to use to blackmail or to post about. Then the pinkmatsu let the greenmatsu wake up the sleeping trio. He shook each one until they were awake. They rubbed their eyes and stretched. Ichimatsu made a 'tch..' sound as he got up, leaving the flower crown on. Inori helped (Y/n) up so she can get ready. The Matsuno brothers introduced themselves to the older sister and talked for awhile before parting their ways. After the sextuplets left, the sisters were left alone as they walked back to (Y/N)'s apartment, saying their goodbyes as Inori turned to the direction of her house as the other went up to her apartment. She opened the door and looked through her photo album. Seeing a photo of the three of them made feel happy? It definitely made her feel fuzzy inside. That's when she received a text from Todomatsu, it was a picture. (Y/N) looked at it and immediately saved it and didn't reply. She set it as her lock screen, just so she can remember that moment.

btw if you havent figured it out yet after this chapter, Inori is like a key to (Y/N)-chan's happiness and Ichimatsu is about is slowly becoming on of those keys. we need some more (y/n)-chan happiness in our lives.
also for some additional back story on Inori if read this part; when they were younger, Inori would pray each night for (y/n)-chan to be happy again and prays that one day (y/n) would realize that her whole family cares about her. hence the name Inori which means prayer in Japanese

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