The rushing waters.

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⠀⠀"Hmm..." Is the only thing that was came from Ichimatsu as a reply to my statement.
⠀⠀"But thank you for sorta bring us together. It feels weird talking to my sis again." I wrapped my arms around him and quickly hugged the "doll of darkness" and then immediately let go and scanned the room. Making sure the youngest brother didn't take any pictures. I looked back at the person I was sitting next to and briefly saw a light pink spread across his cheeks.
⠀⠀"....adorable..!" I muttered under my breath.
⠀⠀"Tch." Wait, was that loud enough where Ichimatsu could understand what I was saying? I'm just going to go dig my grave- "Trash like me isn't adorable. Trash is ugly and ignored. Quit the act." He argued.
⠀⠀" aren't trash. If I recall, I don't like to hang out near trash. That must mean you aren't trash because I'm hanging out with you." I argued back. Let's hope this doesn't get too heated.
⠀⠀"Yeah right, stop trying to cheer me up. Nobody hangs out with me because I'm trash. You must be blind not to see me as that." Ichimatsu shifted to where I could barely see his face. I got up on my knees as I balled my hands up into fists, nails digging into my palms.
⠀⠀"You aren't trash. You're my friend. You're th-"
⠀⠀"You aren't my friend! I don't need friends!"
⠀⠀Tears flowed out of my eyes. If this how he really felt then I'll be on my way. "If you say so, Matsuno Ichimatsu." I mumbled with the five other brothers staring at us two. I started walking out of the room, hearing someone get up.
⠀⠀"(Y/N)..." Choromatsu said.
⠀⠀"(Y/N)-chan don't go!" Jyushimatsu shouted as he hugged me, stopping me from moving. Oh- when did he get back? I must've not been paying much attention since he was dirty and still in his baseball uniform.
⠀⠀"Please let go, besides I've overstayed my welcome. I'll at my apartment if anyone needs me." I stated as I waited for Jyushimatsu to let go.
⠀⠀He refused. "Jyushimatsu, please let go." I asked again. His grip became loose as a pried myself out of his hold. I walked out of the house, only to hear faint yelling coming from inside the house. I continued to walk down the street to see Chibita having his stand open. "Why not." I thought to myself as I walked over to the stand. I sat down in the middle of the bench.
⠀⠀"Why can I get you today?" He offered.
⠀⠀"Oden and some beer." I simply ordered.
⠀⠀"Alright, what's wrong, idjit? You have tears going run your face." He asked as he placed a plate with some oden on top in front of me and a bottle of beer.
⠀⠀"I regret trying to be friends with those sextuplets. Especially the forth one." I took a bite out of top part of the food I ordered.
⠀⠀"Ichimatsu? He can be such a loner yet a rude one."
⠀⠀"I don't get it. I try to be nice and all I got today were remarks that were towards him and I was trying to say that they were lies. Then he said that we weren't friends." I stated. I finished the oden and cracked open the beer, taking a few sips from the beverage.
⠀⠀"Seems like him. Karamatsu tells me about it when it's just him eating here. Now, finish up you idjit. Girls like you don't deserve that rudeness." Chibita stated. I nodded as I whipped my face from the tears. I finished off the bear and payed the man.
⠀⠀"Thank you." I got up and did a small bow before leaving. As I walked down the sidewalk, I looked at my watch to see that it was "4:36 P.M." I saw the sky as a darker shade of blue than it was when it was when me and Todomatsu bumped into each other. Without realizing it, I walked into the direction of the cliff I was at before I met the six brothers.
⠀⠀Soon I could smell the salty water of the ocean. I could hear the water pounding against rocks as I got closer. Once I walked up to the hill that brought me up the cliff as the lower part led down to a rocky beach. I walked up the cliff. I sat near the edge and pulled out my phone. I checked any messages. Only a few from Todomatsu.
⠀⠀> Hey (Y/N). I'm so sorry about Ichimatsu. You didn't deserve to be treated like that. We are making Ichimatsu apologize to you right away!
⠀⠀"What was the point? He already said I'm not his friend."
⠀⠀>Oh I forgot to ask, where are you? We were being serious when we said we are making Ichimatsu apologize. :3
⠀⠀>(Y/N)? Are you there?
⠀⠀"No." I chuckled.
⠀⠀>Hey (Y/N), where are you? Are you okay? We're looking for you around town and Chibita pointed us into the direction you walked in but we still can't find you. Don't do anything rash.
⠀⠀"Must be Choromatsu talking or Osomatsu. Highly doubt it's Osomatsu. Oh well-" Ding
⠀⠀I didn't know if I should answer. One path would lead me to barely talking to the Matsuno brothers. The other would allow friends to be made again. I hate to try again.
⠀⠀"God...they're annoying when they kept bugging me." I muttered as I started typing in words to make a response.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Check where we first met. <
⠀⠀Thanks to me being an ass and not exactly telling them where I am. Talking to them makes my heart ache. I placed my phone down since I didn't get a response back. I stared at the ocean. Seeing the sun's reflection as it made the water glisten at look like a beautiful sky blue but if you look down from the cliff, the water looks like a dirty blue-green color. The clouds partly covered the sky as they slowly faded away instead of grouping together into a cloudy sky.
⠀⠀I heard faint footsteps from what it sounded like, it was from multiply people. A conversation started quietly as they approached. I knew who they were. Their voices were familiar. They belonged to the brothers. They got closer and closer as they stopped walking. Something was placed on the ground. As I heard a faint "just say it!" From one of the brothers. There was silence for a few seconds until someone spoke up.
⠀⠀"(Y/N)...I-I'm sorry for pushing you away." That was Ichimatsu. I didn't turn around still. Not wanting to cause the pain to worsen.
⠀⠀"It's okay." I responded as a sigh escaped from me.
⠀⠀"Go on." Choromatsu demanded. I didn't know if he was talking to me or his sorry brother.
⠀⠀" I-....fuckit." He mumbled as he silently ordered his brothers to go away. Not telling him what he was going to do. They left- sorta. They were spying to make sure he doesn't mess up. He got closer and sat right next to me. He pulled me closer to him as he blushed. The forth brother had the same grip as last night. Was he trying to make sure that I was okay like this?
⠀⠀"You're taking a huge fucking risk, you know." I stated, reassuring him that she could get her payback.
⠀⠀"I was forced to do that as what they call a 'plan B'. Thanks for letting me know." He sarcastically speaking the last part.
⠀⠀"It was a smart plan 'B.' I'm just going to take break from hanging out. I think it would be better for my state of being at the moment and I think you need the same thing." I stated as I kindly moved myself away. "Tell the others that and that it was my idea also so you don't get anymore shit."
⠀⠀He nodded as I saw him get up and walking away. Now to focus on work and my well being for now. Like how it used to be.


please tell me how my story is going! this is my first time writing something like this and I'm trying to differentiate my xReader story from the others (Example: the orchestra career instead of being a business woman.) but the others are way enjoyable so I recommend them also! thank you for reading so far!

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