Chapter 4

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I finally managed to stand up and go back to my desk. Chase left some folders there that according to him must be typed immediately. It's not so thick and I'm thankful I listened intently to my grade school teacher when she taught us how to type fast. I pulled out my battle gear which is my iPod. I plugged in my earphones and started typing. Whenever I'm stressed, frustrated and sad I always listen to music. They kind of calm me. 

"Hey" I looked up to see Chase. His brows are creased again. The only expression I see on his face are irritation and a smirk. 


"I don't want to be disturbed while I'm working. So, if you have any stupid questions keep them all to yourself. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I'm not a starfish. I have a brain." I said sarcastically. Funny, my words drip with sarcasm only when I'm talking to him.

"Good." He said emotionless and he went back to his bat cave. He has a private comfort room inside his office that's why he rarely goes out. He doesn't even take a break. Speaking of break, my stomach started grumbling. I still haven't eaten lunch, I postponed what I'm doing and decided to grab a bite first. It might improve my mood. I just brought my wallet and left my bag on top of my table.

I went outside and started looking for restaurants nearby. I don't want to eat in the company cafeteria because I still don't have any friends there. And since I'm really not in a good mood  I might as well eat alone rather than pretend I'm okay. I found one just a few blocks away from the office. It's an Italian restaurant. I went in, the ambiance is great. hhmm..I hope the food is better.

I sat in a table near the glass window. I like it there because it is far from the restaurant's smoking area and in here I can see people pass by. I like observing people especially their facial expressions. I ordered the restaurant's special which is a trippa romana, and I ordered an affogato for dessert.

"This is good." I mumbled to myself. I wonder if Aunt Claire tried eating here already. I decided to take Victor here sometime. I enjoy eating as much as cooking that's why I took Culinary Arts in college. I would like to cook and eat good food. I looked at my watch, my break is almost over. I took one of the napkins and wrote something in it : My compliments to the Chef :) 

I'm also a Chef by profession that's why I know what it feels like when the someone ate the food that you made and they were satisfied. It feels good when someone appreciates what you do. I would be glad to make this restaurant's chef smile today. After I left the note and pay the bill I left the restaurant feeling wonderful. Eating really makes my mood better. 

I decided to go back to the office early because I'm afraid Chase will be looking for me since I still haven't finished typing. I don't know why but I  have this hunch that we will fight again when I come back.  

When I reached the top floor, which is Chase's whole office, I found him standing near my table with his hands planted on his hips and as usual with his forehead creased.

"What have I done this time?" I said nonchalantly. Since I ate good food a while ago,right now,  I'm really not affected about his seemingly always bad mood .

"Where have you been?"

"I ate lunch." I walked past him and went straight to my desk. I sat and began typing again just so I won't get into an argument with him. I hate arguments by the way, It makes me feel so down even if it's not my fault

He went to my desk and turn off my monitor. I stared at him open mouthed. I was so shocked and pissed at the same time. What is his problem?! I took flight instead of fight but then he approaches me and literally did something and crush the last ounce of patience that I have.

"Why didn't you ask my permission?!" He is half-shouting at me right now. I don't really know what his problem is. Now I understand that guys have the worst mood swings ever. 

"What is this? Kindergarten? Why do I need to ask permission from you If I want to eat out?"

"I'm still your boss!" 

"Hey, I really don't care who you are right now. As long as I am here I will abide by my own rules! Besides, I don't think that me eating out is the real issue here. What is your real problem anyway?"

"Follow me." He said instead of answering my question. He went back to his office, I followed him out of curiosity. He was sitting behind his desk. His laptop was at the top of his table. It is obvious that he's been working because folders and papers are everywhere. In short, his office is a real mess right now.

"That. Is my problem." He said pointed to his laptop. I saw lots of charts and tables. I read them and I was shocked about what the figures said

"Whoa. You are in big trouble buddy." Apparently, A lot his clients are withdrawing orders from his company. Chase's company is selling computers and other laptops.

"What happened?" I asked. I'm actually concerned because the figures are bad, and I mean really bad.

"They said they liked Wind Cities' products better."  He replied. He was pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He looked really stressed out.

"Their computers suck." I bought one last year.  I was done with one of my recipe costings and was about to save when the computer just died down. I was so  pissed off I crushed it to pieces.

"Exactly my point." He was still sitting on his chair looking really frustrated. I sat on one of the chairs in front of him and studied the data on his laptop.

"You should change the designs." I offered. He's computers have really good quality but the designs are really lame.

"Change the what?" He is looking at me as if I have grown two heads.

"Design. We both know that you're products are way better than theirs, right?" He nodded

"But if you can't also ignore the fact the Wind Cities' products look so much better."

He looked genuinely confused but I can see that he is getting interested on what I am saying

"Your point is?"

"For those people who doesn't have an idea on how a good computer works, technically looks on the outside. If it looks good, they buy it. Just like on food. Aesthetic quality matters. See my point?"

He just stared at me as if he was seeing me for the first time. He was obviously studying me and then, out of nowhere a smile slowly crept into his face.

"You're smart."

"I know." I actually felt good upon getting a compliment from him. Based on what I heard, the man is so hard to please.

"Sorry about our incident a while ago."

"I'm not gonna tell you it's okay, Cause It's not. If you have troubles we can talk about it. I don't want you acting like you're PMSing. It's annoying."

He chuckled and nodded. I took it as a signal that our small talk is over so I stood up and left his office. I went back my chair, turned on my Ipod, and continued my job.


It's been a while since Clara left his office but he is still staring at door smiling like an idiot. The smile seems to be plastered on his face. He admires Clara. Damn, the girl has brains and balls, well not literally balls. Clara sure have guts. He haven't found  a girl that can talk back to him like that,well except his mom. Most of his employees are intimidated to him except his beautiful secretary. Clara is so blunt but instead of feeling annoyed, he actually felt amused. He is starting to like his new secretary. He especially like it when Clara is pissed off because her cheeks become red. He would like to annoy Clara some more just to see that natural blush crept on  her face.

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