Chapter 22

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Our face were inches apart but then my phone started ringing.  I looked at the screen and I was surprised to see that it was my mom calling. 

"Oopps, sorry I need to answer this."

I got up quickly and answered the phone.

"Hey 'Ma what's up?" 

"Don't 'what's up' me lady."

What did I do?!

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothings wrong. Your father decided not to anything unless you come back here, other than that everything's fine."

"What?!  Why would he do that?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe I told him you were dating a white guy."

"Mom will you stop being sarcastic? And that was racist."

"I don't care! Don't you know how stressed I am right now?!"

I sighed. There's no use arguing with her over the phone. 

"Ok, I'm sorry."

"Your sorry can't solve this!"

"What do you want me to do?" I looked up at the sky as if seeking God for help. He must be testing my patience right now.

"Go back to China."

"Ok, I'll book a flight for next week."

"You need to come here now! Do you want your father to die?!"

I know that this is all just an act. I know that he is eating properly and I know that he doesn't want to starve himself to death. They are just using it as a threat for me to come home.

"Ok, ok.. I'll book the earliest flight tomorrow."

"Why do you have to date a guy who isn't Chinese?"

There, the true reason for all the fuss is now out.

"I said I'm going home already! Let's talk about this when I land there tomorrow."

I hung up. I didn't mean to raise my voice or to hung up just like that. It's just that I hate it when they do that. They use the emotional attack to manipulate me.

I took a deep breath to control my emotions. And then I head back to where Chase was...

"That's my...what the hell are you doing Chase?"

Chase was sitting at the same spot where I left him but he is pulling the grass..

"Huh? Ah this?" Chase lifted his hands that are full of pulled grass. 

"I was just..trimming the grass! I saw they are long!"

I looked around. Long? The grass looks freshly mowed. 

"They don't look long to me. It actually looked as if they are freshly mowed."

"Believe me they are long. Anyway, who was that?"

I put my cellphone back in my pocket before I sat back next to him.

"That was my mom."

Oh shit wrong comment.

"Really? So why did she call?" I started getting up.

"She wants me to go back to China."


I was surprised at his reaction.

"Easy, it's not as if they are asking me to do a naked bungee jump."

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