Chapter 13

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"Hey Mama, 'something wrong?" I worriedly asked my mom as I answered the call.

"You lady, you are asking me if something is wrong? Of course there is something wrong." my mom angrily answered back.

What have I done this time?  The last time that I have been scolded was when I skipped class to go watch a concert when I was in high school. My mom was so agitated that time that she threatened to disown me! 

"Ah, Ma..I'm afraid I don't understand what you are talking about." 

Nicole finished paying at the cashier. We head out of the mall and went straight to the car. I still have the phone on my ears. I really don't have any idea on what I did that made my mom really mad that she had to call me from across the globe. I tuck the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I fasten my seat belt.

"Don't you feign ignorance Clara Chung!" I cringe as I hear Mama mention my full name. The moment she does that , it means that I'm in huge trouble.

"Mama, be calm. Tell me what I did because I really don't have an Idea."

I heard my mom took deep breathes as she regain control over her emotions. I patiently waited on her reply. "Your aunt Clare told me something..."


"Are you still gonna pretend that you don't know where this conversation is going?"

"Mama! I told you I don't know what you are talking about!"  I am so pissed I started raising my voice 

I saw Nicole glanced at me but she didn't say anything. I lowered my voice and tried being calm.

"Ma, believe me. I don't know what you are talking about so please explain everything now."

"Why didn't you tell me that you are now engaged?"

"E-engaged?! To whom?!"

"I should be the one asking you that! Your aunt Clare called me this morning to tell me that you are having a vacation together with your fiancee's parents!" My mom sounded a bit hurt. It all made sense to me now. It seems that Aunt Clare misunderstood everything. What puzzles me is that who told her that I am with Chase's family.

"Ma, you don't have to worry about anything,.I'm not engaged."

"You are not engaged? But where are you now? I tried contacting you on your restaurant but Victor told me that you are not there. I hope you are not hiding something from me."

Shit, I can never lie to my mom. She have a way of figuring things out. She can even work as a detective if she is not so busy with being a faithful housewife.

"Ma..I'm on a vacation."

"Vacation huh? Where ? With whom?"

I started feeling uncomfortable. I can't tell my mom about the charade because Nicole is sitting next to me and because my mom would not understand. I hate to do it , but I need to lie to Mama.

"I'm on a vacation with my ...boyfriend."

I heard my mom gasp from the other line. I tensely waited for her reply.

"Who is he?" was her only reply.

"Ah.. his name is Chase Baxter. Aunt Clare was the one who introduced him to me."

Ok, so that part is true.

"Why didn't you tell me about this? Are you planning to hide this from us?"

"No! Of course not! I am planning to tell you about him but I want to tell it to you personally." I am now waiting to be struck by lightning because of that lie.

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