Chapter 12

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I woke up because of the knocking on the door. I opened one eye and surveyed the room. Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm still in Chase's room. I look at Chase and I saw that he is still in deep sleep. I shook him but he just moaned. The knocking on the door continued, I decided that I'll answer it myself. I run my fingers through my hair to straighten it a bit before I opened the door. It was Chase's mom.

"Good morning Clara dear!"

"Good morning Lily. Chase is still asleep, do you want me to wake him up?"

"Oh, don't bother. I'm sure he is tired." Lily gave me a I-know-what-you-did-last-night smile. 

I just gave an awkward smile and laughed a bit so I won't offend her. 

"Do you need something?" I asked her instead. I don't know why but I actually feel a little embarrassed standing there. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!

"Oh, about that. Breakfast is ready so I suggest that you two love birds come downstairs before the food gets cold."

My stomach grumbled at the instant Lily said breakfast. I was not able to eat properly last night because of the tension I got when they asked me to spend the night here. 

"Ok, I'll just wake up Chase and we'll go down immediately."

Lily nodded and went downstairs. I sighed and closed the door. I went back to bed and tried to wake up Chase. I'm still sleepy myself but I didn't dare going back to sleep because Chase's folks might think that we are having sex in here.

"Chase, wake up. Your mom said that breakfast is ready."

He didn't even budge. I shook him again.

"Chase..wake up sleepy head. You don't want to make your parents wait right?"

Still no reaction. I shook him harder this time, the only reaction I got was a moan. 

"Chase! Wake up big guy!"

I am now really tired and irritated but he is still fast asleep. I did the only thing I know that will actually wake him up. I started jumping on the bed. Chase moaned but he buried his head under his pillow.

"You better wake up big boy, I won't stop until you are  up!"

I jumped for about five minutes, I was actually starting to give up but then Chase sat abruptly. I stopped jumping but I remained standing. Chase is glaring at me as if he want to eat me alive.

"Good morning." I smiled sweetly at him. I was surprised when Chase suddenly pulled me down. I landed on his lap, I tried getting away from him but his iron grip won't let me.

"What was the jumping for huh?" He whispered in my ear.

I hate to admit but Chase's sexy bedroom voice sent shivers down my spine. He actually looks good even though he just woke up.

"I tried waking you up the normal way but you won't budge, that's why I did that."

"Won't you apologize?" He asked without letting me go. He won't let me go so I decided to just enjoy the position , I leaned on his wide chest instead.

"Apologize? Why? I enjoyed it." Chase lightly pinched my cheeks.

"Do you always look like this in the morning?"

His question made me really conscious of how I look right now. I haven't washed my face, comb my  hair or brushed my teeth. For all I know I still have a morning glory! I tried getting up but Chase still won't let me.

"Yes, I know I'm a mess but--"

"You're cute." 

What he said was so unexpected that's why I was not able to make a proper reply.I peered at him and saw that he has dark circles around his eyes. I adjusted my position so I can look at him properly.

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