Chapter 5

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It's been five days since I started working for Chase in behalf of my aunt Claire. I was getting used to waking up early in the morning. So yeah, I'm doing my daily routine, taking a bath, cooking breakfast,eating breakfast, blah,blah, blah. So far, Chase and I haven't argued for a while ever since our last banter. He has been acting really civilized on me. He's actually being nice to me now. We stopped pissing each other off. He do his job, I do mine.

I took a huge bite of pancake before I answered the phone. The only person who would be calling so early in the morning would probably aunt Claire


"Good morning baby doll!" 

Yep, It's aunt Claire as expected. She was released from the hospital yesterday and according to the doctors, her condition now is better so she can probably go back to work after 2-3 weeks because she still has to undergo theraphy.

"What's up?" I took another bite of the pancake.

"I was just checking on you to see if you're already awake or still in dream land."

"I'm actually leaving already." Okay, so I lied. It's still early anyway.

" do you like Chase?"

"He's okay."

"What do you mean okay?"

"Okay, as in okay." I am getting confused on where this conversation is going. I better be careful in answering her questions. 

"He's just okay for you?! Other girls are drooling when they see him!" 

"Calm down! What is this about anyway?"

"'s just're 25..and.."

"Just spit it out Auntie!"


She spoke so fast I haven't understand anything.

"What? Speak slowly so I can understand you."

"I said, You still don't have a boyfriend and you should try it out with Chase."

I wasn't able to speak for five seconds because I still let everything sink in to me.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not that desperate Auntie." I said. I was trying so hard not to laugh because it would probably piss her off.

"I'm serious." 

"I am too." I looked at my watch, It's still early but I decided to leave now just to escape this conversation with Aunt Claire

"I need to go to work now. I don't want to be late."

I heard her sigh "Okay."

"I'll call you later. I love you." I hung up. I sighed. I was never bothered being single. Why is it that everyone was so concerned about except for me? I was rejected once that's why I was afraid to try again but don't get me wrong, I am not a damsel in distress or anything. I am happy with my life now.  I don't need a boyfriend to make my life perfect anyway. Besides, I have my dog, what more could I ask ?  I drove to work, luckily there is no traffic so I came really early for work. Since, It is still so early I decided to use the stairs instead of the elevator. I haven't had much exercise lately.

The moment I reached the top floor, I was catching my breath. Climbing the stairs is probably a bad idea. The elevator opened as I reach the last step of the stairs. 

"You used the stairs." Chase said. It was not a question, it was a statement. He was looking at me as if I was some weird species

"Obviously" I regained my composure. I don't want to look as if I regretted using the stairs, but in all honesty, I actually do regret using the stairs. I'm already tired!

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