Chapter 19

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AN: It's been ages since my last update and I know it is unforgivable, but there is a reason behind it  so please do not stone me to death. I will be graduating in university this coming April and there  is just so much to do so please please forgive me?  Anyway, I hope you like the new update.  Tell me what you think!

"What do you mean you lied?" I asked Chase. Although I think I already know what is talking about I still want to hear it coming from him. 

"There is no meeting." He said without looking at me. 

I am beyond furious now. I hate it when I'm being lied to. I am getting hold of my temper. I don't want to start a ruckus inside a restaurant. I don't want to embarrass myself. C'mon Clara, take a deep breath. Think of happy thoughts, think of butterflies and flowers and cute little birds. Vanish the thought of straggling Chase, you don't want a criminal record, do you?

"Clara? Are you okay?" 

Don't mind him Clara, think of your inner Angel, she's gonna weep you if she sees Chase's blood in your hands. 

I was still talking to myself when the waiter came to take our order, and that's when an idea came to me. Time for revenge.

"Good day ma'am, are you ready to order now?"

"Oh yeah" I flashed a bright smile at the waiter. He took out his pocket notebook and pen and then poised to take my order. I didn't bother to look at Chase, let him be surprised. I opened the menu and pretended to to look over it. After a minute I closed and then looked at the waiter , smiled at him and then I tell him what I will be having.

"Give me all of the best sellers. I want the most expensive ones please."

The waiter looked stunned for a minute and then smiled brightly then went to the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Chase asked me. He's brows are furrowed but he doesn't look mad. I'll smack him in the face if he gets angry.

"What  do you mean?"

"Are you that hungry?"

"Yeah." I pretend to study the menu just so I have an  excuse not to look at him. Let him pay expensive food for me. And I plan not to talk to him, he's not worthy of having conversation to me. I know I am overreacting but I hate being lied to.

"So, uh.. about this..ahm..meeting.."

"What meeting?"

He sighed, looked up the ceiling as if seeking help from above.

"Ok. I lied. There really is no meeting."

I am still not talking to him. Let him rant.

"I was really pissed a while ago, I know this thing is childish but.. I don't know what got into me why I did this but..this is hard" He whispered that last sentence. 

"Look, I really am sorry."

Silence. I just looked at him. It would be great if I could make him squirm but he didn't.

"Are you seriously mad at me?"

"What do you think?"

He was about to answer but the waiter came with my order. I didn't know there is so much. I can't eat it all but then it's not as if I was really starving to order this much. This is just to teach Chase a lesson.  He should not mess with me again.

"Can you eat all of this?"

I ignored him and started eating the plate that is in front. I have no idea what dish this is but I am hungry so I took a bite. After eating one dish and two desserts I felt ready to explode.

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